Friday, October 9, 2009

President Barack Obama 4th US President to Win Nobel Peace Prize... Sharing NPR Broadcasts and Links...

[Photo (Copyrighted) by NS]

"President Obama on Friday won the Nobel Peace Prize, a stunning choice of an official who had been in office for less than two weeks before this year's nomination deadline..." ["President Obama Wins 2009 Nobel Peace Prize"; National Public Radio (NPR); October 9, 2009;]

Respectfully Passed On By,


Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Halloween Babys on Parade... Dog Halloween Costumes... Green Man at CUNY... You Tube Videos

["Halloween Baby Parade"; as submitted to You Tube by klulesskat on October 15, 2007;]


["Best Pets Top 5 Halloween Costumes For Dogs"; as submitted to You Tube by JanetKRoof on October 01, 2009;]

["It's Always Green in CUNY"; as submitted to You Tube by CUNYGreenMan on April 18, 2009;]

Note: I do not endorse or oppose any particular adds. Sometimes it is difficult to get a video without them...

Just trying to have a bit of silly fun here!


WellPoint Profits... Lobbying... Say What... Brave New Films... You Tube Video

["WellPoint sued an ENTIRE STATE to increase profits"; as submitted to bravenewfilms on October 04, 2009;]