Saturday, April 24, 2010

Chips'NDips Entertainment... Silly Stuff... Survival... Earth Day Video Pick... Michael Jackson's "Earth Song" [Wow]... You Tube... Freewrite...

I snagged some of these Chips'NDips photos [from 2009 and 2010 events] from one of my daughters sites.  She refers to me as her "cute but crazy" mom...

Which I think "might" be a compliment... but I'm not sure.

There is nothing booked for Chips...  and business has NOT been good. 
But we sure have (as a family) had some fun with it!

Now I'm planting rose bushes and trees and shrubs and flowers and herbs and lord only knows what else - like a maniac...

But I AM surviving some difficult times. 

["Michael Jackson - 'Earth song'"; as submitted to You Tube by YourMusicAndLyrics on March 4, 2008; ]

And that IS what matters... 

Great work at the YM folks (community volunteers)!  I'm planting like crazy [trying to keep up with deliveries] in my own back yard - to the point of emotional and physical exhaustion [I'm NOT kidding...] or I would come over to help. 

Extremes.  That's me.  Someday maybe I'll level out some and be [Is it really a worthy goal?] "normal"...

One can hope.

Truth, love, peace, equality and humane justice!


Thursday, April 22, 2010

Congressman Maurice Hinchey at SUNY New Paltz "We the People..." --- and at the Recent UC Chamber of Commerce Event - You Tube Videos - Personal Opinions

The following two videos - accessed from You Tube - are not the videos I took of this event - and these videos [I'm just posting videos 1 and 3 from this source] are not titled in the manner I would have titled them! 

How Congressman Hincheys speech at SUNY could be construed as against "Freedom of Speech" is beyond me.... 

But everyone is allowed their perspective.

"Freedom of Speech" - in my opinion - is meant for citizens.

Not businesses, not media conglamorates, not not-for-profits, not religious bodies, not hate groups, not any other special interest grounps (such as unions) --- and certainly not for (many of these are multinational... an additional concern!) corporations.

I might return to this topic later [My perspective and some pertinent links are put forth in an entry down below] - but for now I'm just going to post the videos - which are open to one's own value judgements / opinions.

I personally feel that Conressman Hinchey has been and remains a strong advocate for the people.

["Hinchey against free speech Part 1"; "Gardiners Right"; You Tube; 4/19/2010; ]

["Hinchey against free speech 3"; "Gardeners Right"; You Tube; 4/19/2010; ]


This video was also accessed from You Tube --- and features Congressman Hinchey at a recent [April 2010] meeting of the Chamber of Commerce:

["Congressman Maurice Hinchey"; paulrakov; You Tube; 4/20/2010; ]

Please note that there are a number of links related to these topics in an entry down below.  Ignorance, as it has been said, is the worst type of poverty...


Monday, April 19, 2010

Child Abuse Awareness Month... KAPA... More... Congressman Hinchey / "We the People..." at SUNY in Post Below... You Tube Videos

This is not only sexual assault awareness month, as noted in a video ("Take Back the Night") posted below --- it is also Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Thus, I wanted to post the following video:

["YouTube - Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect";]

Other than that, I wanted to state that the shows I saw tonight (only a few) on Kingston Area Public Access (KAPA) were impressive.  Discussions around the Safety Net issue (which is finally being investigated...); the proliferation of Not-For-Profits in the City of Kingston [over 40% of properties are reputedly (I've personally checked into this) off the tax rolls; and the proliferation of sex offenders in the City of Kingston [some in residence, as noted on the map accessible on the web ( put a check in the sex offender box at,NY ); some reputedly in the UC Jail and/or the old Community Corrections Program facility) were particularly interesting.

These are issues that have been brought up time and time again - sometimes by one or two people [generally by MaryAnne Parker (Safety Net Issue / Child Safety Issue / other pertinent issues...) and myself (Not for Profit Issue / Child Safety / Safety Net Issue / "Culture of Poverty" (Oscar Lewis; 1966) Issue --- and sometimes (when the "dirt" hits the fan...) in larger bodies of protest --- and it is great to see these issues being taken more seriously by the "powers that be" / KAPA show producers / callers / and various [a more collective voice on all of this would be good....] City of Kingston citizens.

I also came across a video at (You Tube / not able to be embedded here) --- which I found (in regard to Child Abuse Awareness Month) impressive:

I have to state (These are opinions, folks!) again [This has been stated, recently to my Alderman; and previously, in full or in part, at City Council meetings...] --- that I think the City of Kingston [in association with agencies such as the YWCA and the UC Crime Victims Assistance Program (excellent programs that should cover a wider spectrum...) should be more active in the prevention / awareness / treatment resource realm --- in regard to child abuse; sexual assault; domestic violence; gang activity; and (these amongst other things) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Those little wind catchers [check out the video / ignore the pop ups...] say a lot!

Congressman Maurice Hinchey at SUNY New Paltz... Hudson Valley Progressive Coalition... "We the People"... Info... Links... More

How come I'm not finding any coverage (yet) of Congressman Hinchey's appearance / address at  SUNY  New Paltz yesterday?  Congressman Hinchey was among a panel of experts that included John Bonifaz, the Legal Director of Voter Action and the Director of Free Speech for People; Margery F. Baker, Vice President for the American Way; and Joan D. Mandel, Ph.D. the Executive Director of Democracy Matters...

All were present to speak on a very critical (in my opinion) topic:  "We the People:  A Forum to Defend Democracy" --- with a focus on what "we" can do to fight the Supreme Court's ruling in "Citizens United v. FEC" [For more information on this please check out and the other sources I've noted below]

The sponsors of this well-attended forum included the Hudson Valley Progressive Coalition, SUNY New Paltz, the Ulster County Move On Council, the Ulster County Democratic Committee; and Democracy Matters.  Some other groups associated with Hudson Valley Progressives, many of whom had representatives present, include:  New Paltz Women In Black; Hudson Valley for Obama; People for the American Way; New Paltz and Vicinity for Obama; Network of Spiritual Progressives; Arts for Peace; Peace & Social Progress Now; NAACP of Kingston; Hudson Valley Single Payer; Orange for Obama; and Dutchess for Obama.

Other notables were undoubtable captured on the videos I took - but the processing of "same" will take some time...

What can "we" do?

1)  Support the Fair Elections Now Act ("H.R. 1826" and "S752") [This act "provides voluntary public financing for congressional races so that candidates are beholden only to voters not corporations or special interests."]

2) Support a "Constitutional Amendment" [Congressman Hinchey is co-sponsoring "HJRes74"] to "undo the SCOTUS ruling."

3) Thank Congressman Hinchey and Senator Gillibrand for co-sponsoring "The Fair Elections Now Act."

4) Encourage Senator Schumer [202-224-3121] to support these Acts ("HJRes74"; "H.R. 1826" and "S752") as well!

5) Support the "Shareholders Protection Act" ("H.R. 4790" / House...); and... 

6) Let all of your members of Congress know that the citizens of this nation need a strong and consistant "Consumer Financial Protection Agency."

For additonal information (the forum and various organizational flyers are the source of the information I'm presenting here) --- please check out:

In, addition, if you are so inclined...

1.  Sign the petiions (others might be available, as well) at:

2.  Contact your elected officials to encourage thier support of "H.R. 1826", "S.752"; "HJRes74" and [in the House...} "H.R. 4790;" and

3)  Stay tuned for some videos of the event.  [These will be posted if at all (I'm still learning) possible!]

If any errors have been made here --- or any sponsoring / involved organizations have been left out --- please let me know and corrections will be made!