How come I'm not finding any coverage (yet) of Congressman Hinchey's appearance / address at SUNY New Paltz yesterday? Congressman Hinchey was among a panel of experts that included John Bonifaz, the Legal Director of Voter Action and the Director of Free Speech for People; Margery F. Baker, Vice President for the American Way; and Joan D. Mandel, Ph.D. the Executive Director of Democracy Matters...
All were present to speak on a very critical (in my opinion) topic: "We the People: A Forum to Defend Democracy" --- with a focus on what "we" can do to fight the Supreme Court's ruling in "Citizens United v. FEC" [For more information on this please check out and the other sources I've noted below]
The sponsors of this well-attended forum included the Hudson Valley Progressive Coalition, SUNY New Paltz, the Ulster County Move On Council, the Ulster County Democratic Committee; and Democracy Matters. Some other groups associated with Hudson Valley Progressives, many of whom had representatives present, include: New Paltz Women In Black; Hudson Valley for Obama; People for the American Way; New Paltz and Vicinity for Obama; Network of Spiritual Progressives; Arts for Peace; Peace & Social Progress Now; NAACP of Kingston; Hudson Valley Single Payer; Orange for Obama; and Dutchess for Obama.
Other notables were undoubtable captured on the videos I took - but the processing of "same" will take some time...
What can "we" do?
1) Support the Fair Elections Now Act ("H.R. 1826" and "S752") [This act "provides voluntary public financing for congressional races so that candidates are beholden only to voters not corporations or special interests."]
2) Support a "Constitutional Amendment" [Congressman Hinchey is co-sponsoring "HJRes74"] to "undo the SCOTUS ruling."
3) Thank Congressman Hinchey and Senator Gillibrand for co-sponsoring "The Fair Elections Now Act."
4) Encourage Senator Schumer [202-224-3121] to support these Acts ("HJRes74"; "H.R. 1826" and "S752") as well!
5) Support the "Shareholders Protection Act" ("H.R. 4790" / House...); and...
6) Let all of your members of Congress know that the citizens of this nation need a strong and consistant "Consumer Financial Protection Agency."
For additonal information (the forum and various organizational flyers are the source of the information I'm presenting here) --- please check out:
In, addition, if you are so inclined...
1. Sign the petiions (others might be available, as well) at:
2. Contact your elected officials to encourage thier support of "H.R. 1826", "S.752"; "HJRes74" and [in the House...} "H.R. 4790;" and
3) Stay tuned for some videos of the event. [These will be posted if at all (I'm still learning) possible!]
If any errors have been made here --- or any sponsoring / involved organizations have been left out --- please let me know and corrections will be made!