Thursday, September 2, 2010

Karaoke... "FAME"


Monday, August 30, 2010

Just thoughts...

This has been, all told, one H&ll of a year - and although I don't know whether to blame nature, nurture, menopause, the economy, my growing fear of living in the City of Kingston or my disenchantment with politics - as I have come to view politics - one of the rose bushes I planted last year has become one long-thick-stemmed rose - standing alone on a "bush" that required (oh yes indeed) a lot of pruning... 

Hailing from small-town country life, originally - chock full of issues from "days of yore..." - I have attempted to "be" someone I don't have the capability of being - and "do" things I don't have the capability of doing...

Still, in the context of survivorship - I haven't done half bad - and I'm told that "self-acceptance" is key.

A rose is a rose. 

Thorns intact for protection.

The one in the photograph, still strong and determined.

Many others...

Petals on the ground.

Sunday, August 29, 2010

Some Ya' Win... Some Ya' Lose... Flowers Continue to Bloom

[AIRMANBEAR; You Tube; August 2010]

[AIRMANBEAR; You Tube; August 2010]