Friday, July 23, 2010

Powerful Speech by Rep Alan Grayson... Unemployment Issue... Other Rep Alan Grayson Speeches and You Tube Videos

Powerful Speech by Alan Grayson / You Tube Video:

["Alan Grayson Crushes GOP On Unemployment Benefits"; You Tube;]


Hey!  A little bit of research and [thus far...] I think I really LIKE this guy!

["Rep. Alan Grayson on The Christian Right's Pact With The Devil!";  "JesusSavesAtCitibank"; You Tube; ]


Yes indeed....  Great discovery!

["Rep. Alan Grayson Discusses Wall Street Pay with Joe Stiglitz and Nell Minow"; RepAlanGrayson; You Tube; ]


I'm burnt out at the moment... but here is a link to Rep Alan Grayson's You Tube Channel:

I know I intend to do some more research and pay attention to what this guy has to say!

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