Friday, November 5, 2010

Coping With Some Not-So-Good News... Poem

A candle for the times I've laughed
A candle for the times I've cried
A candle for the one's I love
A candle for the one's that died

A candle for the pain I feel
A candle lit to help me deal
With life in all its ups and downs
Its crazy turns
Its round and rounds

A candle for another day
A tiny flicker of light
To help me through
And you, as well
The darkness of this night.

"KHS Band... Syracuse 2010" You Tube Video

["KHS Band (at) Syracuse 2010"; as submitted to You Tube by staciekremper]

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

"We Weren't Born To Follow..." You Tube Video

["We Weren't Born To Follow..."; Bon Jovi; as submitted to You Tube by appl3m4n on 11/1/2009]

Just got whopped - out of the blue - by a significant asthma attack. 


Had to cry [a big asthma trigger for me] and don't know why... 

Ah well...

It is what it is - and the inhaler [thanks be...] did its trick : )

Great song. 

Great video [Ignore the ads...!]. 

New day.

Don't forget to vote!  [The Ward 5 voting spot - if I understand it right - was moved to the Mid-Town Rec Center]


Monday, November 1, 2010

Don't forget to vote tomorrow... Music Video... "Hey World..." by Michael Franti... You Tube

["Michael Franti: Hey World (Don't Give Up)"; as submitted to You Tube by FrantiV on October 16, 2008]

I just saw this video on Facebook and tracked it to You Tube.  Awesome!  [If any ads pop up, please know that they are not endorsed or opposed by this blogger...]

Don't forget to vote tomorrow!