Passing This On (from my email and link noted...):
"President Obama's Update on Health Reform"; From Nancy-Ann DeParle, The White House (; 12/19/09:
["Weekly Address The Patient's Bill of Rights and Health Reform"; The White House;]
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Christmas Photos Around Town... Kingston NY Dec 2009
Silly Giggling Santa and Shaking to the Music... Tree
Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town I
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town II
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town III
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town IV
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town V
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town VI
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Christmas Lights Around Town VII
City of Kingston / Dec 2009 / Photo by NS
Thank You!
Truth, Love, Peace, Equality and Humane Justice,
Friday, December 18, 2009
Something to Think About... NPR on Homosexuality, MIssionaries and the Legal System in Uganda... Political Action Petition... Health Care Reform... Link...
[NPR Politics (; 12/18/09;]
"Proposed Uganda Law: If You See a Homosexual..."; NPR; ]
[NPR Politics (; 12/18/09;]
"U.S. Evangelical Leaders Blamed For Uganda Anti-Gay Sentiment"; NPR;
I posted the above rather quickly - without comment. Now I will take the time to state that this exemplifies why I am as opposed to sending "missionaries" (including ministers, priests, reverends - or anyone with a biased religious or spiritual agenda...) to other countries (and the White House) - as I am to sending weapons.
After all, words have given birth to weapons many a time - and although I don't know how all of these [not-for-profit?] missionaries are managing to fly around the world... [doesn't that cost a lot of money?????] --- offtimes (it would appear) insulting [and/or in this case potentially inciting to violence...] the very people that missionaries and such claim to want to help --- I DO think that all those plane tickets and missionary spending accounts [if we "really" want to help...] would be better turned into [no, not gold...] packages of healthy food, clean water and medical supplies - which could also be put to use [very timely, in fact] in the United States of America...
In fact, in all of my adult years (piling up...) I have never (until yesterday) seen a child circle food --- out of a grocery store flyer --- when asked to mark down (out of a bunch of flyers including lots of toys, etc) --- what she would like for Christmas.
Healthy Food... [How much do all those plane tickets cost?]
Clean Water... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on motels, hotels and lodging in foreign countries?]
Medical Supplies.... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on their own food?]
We have plenty of bigotry and hate already...
Do we really need to spread it around?????
Or pay other people (one way or another...) to do so?
Postscript to the above (In reference to something that was said in the videos...):
Statistically, from everything I've researched / read on this topic [a considerable amount....] - in cases where males sexually abuse male youth (or, for that matter, female youth) - the perpetrators are generally heterosexuals and/or hiding behind heterosexual [or asexual, as with the high incidence of sexual abuse (relatively speaking) that appears to occurr withing certain religious orders...) covers.
New topic [Links also available in the sidebar >>>]:
"Stop a bad bill...
The latest Senate health care bill has no public option. No expansion of Medicare. And it does too little to guarantee that uninsured Americans will actually be able afford the coverage they'll be required to purchase.
But it's not too late to fix the bill. And as Joe Lieberman has shown, just one senator willing to stand in the way can force legislation to be changed dramatically.
Senator Bernie Sanders has already made clear that he's opposed to the legislation in its current form. I just signed a petition urging him and other progressives to block it until it's fixed. Will you join me?"
Source: " Political Action"
To read and sign a similar petition go to:
"Sen. Bernie Sanders can save health care from Joe Lieberman";
Truth, Love, Hope, Peace, Equality and Humane Justice,
"Proposed Uganda Law: If You See a Homosexual..."; NPR; ]
[NPR Politics (; 12/18/09;]
"U.S. Evangelical Leaders Blamed For Uganda Anti-Gay Sentiment"; NPR;
I posted the above rather quickly - without comment. Now I will take the time to state that this exemplifies why I am as opposed to sending "missionaries" (including ministers, priests, reverends - or anyone with a biased religious or spiritual agenda...) to other countries (and the White House) - as I am to sending weapons.
After all, words have given birth to weapons many a time - and although I don't know how all of these [not-for-profit?] missionaries are managing to fly around the world... [doesn't that cost a lot of money?????] --- offtimes (it would appear) insulting [and/or in this case potentially inciting to violence...] the very people that missionaries and such claim to want to help --- I DO think that all those plane tickets and missionary spending accounts [if we "really" want to help...] would be better turned into [no, not gold...] packages of healthy food, clean water and medical supplies - which could also be put to use [very timely, in fact] in the United States of America...
In fact, in all of my adult years (piling up...) I have never (until yesterday) seen a child circle food --- out of a grocery store flyer --- when asked to mark down (out of a bunch of flyers including lots of toys, etc) --- what she would like for Christmas.
Healthy Food... [How much do all those plane tickets cost?]
Clean Water... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on motels, hotels and lodging in foreign countries?]
Medical Supplies.... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on their own food?]
We have plenty of bigotry and hate already...
Do we really need to spread it around?????
Or pay other people (one way or another...) to do so?
Postscript to the above (In reference to something that was said in the videos...):
Statistically, from everything I've researched / read on this topic [a considerable amount....] - in cases where males sexually abuse male youth (or, for that matter, female youth) - the perpetrators are generally heterosexuals and/or hiding behind heterosexual [or asexual, as with the high incidence of sexual abuse (relatively speaking) that appears to occurr withing certain religious orders...) covers.
New topic [Links also available in the sidebar >>>]:
"Stop a bad bill...
The latest Senate health care bill has no public option. No expansion of Medicare. And it does too little to guarantee that uninsured Americans will actually be able afford the coverage they'll be required to purchase.
But it's not too late to fix the bill. And as Joe Lieberman has shown, just one senator willing to stand in the way can force legislation to be changed dramatically.
Senator Bernie Sanders has already made clear that he's opposed to the legislation in its current form. I just signed a petition urging him and other progressives to block it until it's fixed. Will you join me?"
Source: " Political Action"
To read and sign a similar petition go to:
"Sen. Bernie Sanders can save health care from Joe Lieberman";
Truth, Love, Hope, Peace, Equality and Humane Justice,
Thursday, December 17, 2009
"Can you hear me - Enrique Iglesias..." You Tube - "Universal Declaration of Human Rights - Link
["Can you hear me - Enrique Iglesias (lyrics)"; as submitted to You Tube by puluffo on July 12, 2008;]
[The other music can be shut off in the sidebar... (My apologies if any adds pop up on this video - I neither endorse nor oppose any of these...]
A great thing to read this am?
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights":
Peace, Love, Truth, Equality and Humane Justice,
[The other music can be shut off in the sidebar... (My apologies if any adds pop up on this video - I neither endorse nor oppose any of these...]
A great thing to read this am?
"The Universal Declaration of Human Rights":
Peace, Love, Truth, Equality and Humane Justice,
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
Sojourner Truth Poem... You Tube Video... Calling Upon the Powers that Be... Truth... Love... Peace... Humane Justice...
["Alice Walker reads Sojourner Truth"; as submitted to You Tube by arnove on January 28, 2008;]
I have been the recipient of some very bad news - from a couple of different sources today - so I decided to change my lead song [which can be shut off in the sidebar] and post this video - which I find very powerful.
Do your job folks [you know who you are...] - please - because I will be posting on one of the situations - if it is mishandled - of that you can be sure.
I have been the recipient of some very bad news - from a couple of different sources today - so I decided to change my lead song [which can be shut off in the sidebar] and post this video - which I find very powerful.
Do your job folks [you know who you are...] - please - because I will be posting on one of the situations - if it is mishandled - of that you can be sure.
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Citizen/Blogger Notes On City of Kingston Planning Board Meeting Open Speaker Session Only...
City of Kingston Historical Marker / Kingston City Hall
Photo by NS
Update [more detailed] from last night's Kingston Planning Board Meeting - with a focus on "Kingston Planning Board Meeting Agenda" (12/14/09) "Item #8: "#25 Field Court SPECIAL PERMIT to convert a... building for an emergency shelter... Ward 4. Save Them Now/applicant; Donna Spada/owner."
Unofficial (Citizen Advocate) Notes:
A. Gloria Ferraro [Ward 4 or 5] - co-owner of Mid-City Lanes, Cedar Street, Kingston (who was also quoting from some letters she and/or her husband had recieved on the topic) stated (to this effect):
1. That a number (at least five were mentioned) of similar programs (i.e., Darmstadt Shelter, Salvation Army, Peoples Place, etc.) were already clustered in the MidTown commercial district and that the "Save Them Now" program would place yet another burden on an "already struggling business district."
2. That it appeared illogical to place released prison inmates ["Save Them Now's" clientelle] in such close proximity to the area (in the City of Kingston) with the highest rate of crime.
3. That it was time for some other townships to "step up" and shoulder their share of the risks, detrimental effects and potential expenses (these are not businesses and many such programs are partially or completely tax exempt...) associated with these types of programs.
4. That she was concerned about the proposed program sites close proximity to some of the areas most vulnerable children.
Gloria Ferraro also turned in (to Lee Molyneaux, Kingston Planning Board Chairman) a number of letters (against the proposed variance) - including one from Eric Deising - that she and/or her husband had received --- along with a petition (against the proposed variance) signed by over one-hundred people.
B. Robert Smith [Ward 5] - an employee of Family of Woodstock's Darmstadt Shelter - and a City of Kingston resident / taxpayer - stated that the City of Kingston had enough Social Service programs - and that the City was in need of more businesses.
C. I [Ward 5] thanked Mrs. Ferraro for her efforts and statements - noting that I had started in the same direction [i.e., my blog petition] - but a little too late... I also stated that I was concerned [making reference to what I have come across in regard to recidivism rates] about the safety of the children, residents and business owners in the area. [Note: I added more later (see below) --- I had a difficult time (this has personal connotations for me, in a number of different ways...) speaking up at this one...]
D. Alderman Thomas Hoffay [Ward 2] stated (to this effect) that since the building had been vacant for quite some time - he saw this proposal as reasonble. Alderman Hoffay stated (to this effect) that he wasn't aware of many police calls in relation to the "Save Them Now" program's current site on Washington Avenue" - and that he [Aldeman Hoffay is the only person that spoke in favor of granting the variance.] had "faith" in the Board of the "Save Them Now" program. [Alderman Hoffay also noted (as did others) the proposed sites ("Save Them Now") close proximity to the Family of Woodstock Darmstadt Shelter].
[Note: The "Family of Woodstock (FOW) Darmstadt Shelter, according to a recent flyer, has two facilities (next to each other) that provide 19 beds for homeless individuals (in one facility) and 27 beds for homeless families (in the other facility) [46 beds total - for homeless individuals - in MidTown]
["Helping People Help Themselves"; Family of Woodstock Flyer; 2009; ]
E. Dave Ferraro [Ward 4 or 5] - co-owner of Mid-City Lanes, Cedar Street, stated (to this effect):
1. That the citizens of the City of Kingston [speaking for MidTown and/or more extensively?] "have to put a stop to this somewhere..."
2. That the City of Kingston [speaking for MidTown and/or more extensively?] has to get some "good things going..." instead of "all this negative."
F. Alderman Charles Landi [Ward 3] stated (to this effect) --- that "to even consider taking another property [in the City of Kingston] off the tax roles is ridiculous..."
G. Former City of Kingston Alderman, Mary Ann Parker [MidTown resident] stated [to this effect]:
1. That this was something (reworded) she and Alderman Landi could finally agree on... [Note: This brought forth some chuckles...]
2. That MidTown Kingston was "supposed to be the business anchor" of the City of Kingston.
3. That the "Save Them Now" program was doing a "dis-service" to their clients by proposing to put them in the MidTown City of Kingston enviroment.
4. That this variance might not bother Alderman Hoffay [not a resident of MidTown] - but that it sure did bother her [a resident of MidTown.]
5. That the "public" was "getting screwed" [if this were to go through] "big time."
6. That some of the people associated with the "Save Them Now" Board [i.e., Jonathan Sennett, a "Save Them Now" Board member and apparent (?) resident of New Paltz...] who was present, but did not speak...] and/or the "Save Them Now" program were not even residents of the City of Kingston.
7. That the one big anchor in MidTown is UPAC (associated with the Barvadon) --- and that the City of Kingston might well lose this asset if it allowed organizations such as "Save Them Now" to move in... [Note: I am personally not clear on UPAC's status - as a not-for-profit and/or a for-profit enterprise - and personally think this should be looked at - along with potential revenue sources associated with same...]
[Mary Ann Parker was carrying a very well done sign that showed a large anchor and the acronym "CCDG" --- which she explained stood for: "County Containment Dumping Ground". Mary Ann Parker - if I heard her right - also utilized the term "Save Us Now" (which might have been on the other side of the sign...) --- which is a term I have utilized on this site - and the site that I just put up (Is this a coincidence? It doesn't matter to me....) as well. Mary Ann Parker stated (to this effect) that we will soon be seeing MidTown residents sporting T-Shirts with one or both (?) of these logos on them - around town.]
H. Alderman Shirley Whitlock [Ward 4] spoke against the "Save Them Now" program's proposed variance, stating that:
1. Her "phone had been ringing off the hook."
2. She was concerned for both the youth and the elderly / "senior citizens."
3. The City of Kingston needed to emphasize and build up on the positives (people / businesses / organizations) that MidTown had to offer.
4. That putting a drug addict [a likely issue with a number of "Save Them Now" program recipients] next to an area that is known for attracting drug dealers [this is an area of Kingston that has (comparitively speaking) a high crime rate] is "not good."
[Alderman Whitlock brought up a scenerio in which an elderly woman had been assaulted and/or robbed by a "Save Them Now" program recipient.]
[Alderman Whitlock also brought up the fact (one or two others might have mentioned this as well...) that a former "Save Them Now" Board Member (the Ronnie Wade issue...) had since (in relation to drug charges) gone back to prison...]
Mrs. Ferraro got back up to emphasize that the MidTown area being discussed was a BUSINESS [emphasis mine] district.
I got back up to state that:
1. G. Berke - who is associated with the "Kingston Corridor" - and working in alliance with the Main Street Manager (her opinion on this issue has not yet, to my knowlege, been stated...) to make the Midtown and Broadway area a better place to live and do business in - signed my online blog / petition (which got put up late... sorry) against granting the "Save Them Now" variance. [This blog is still up and people are still (today) welcome to sign on, leave comments and/or read what is there... [You might want to note the big photo there --- of the long vacant Kings Inn --- and the unanswered questions (this once served as a temporary housing facility, as well...) regarding that...] [ ]
2. As a survior of a serious crime / trauma ---- and as a person that has known --- attended support groups with --- and worked with trauma victims and/or survivors...
There is another ("human") element to all of this (this has been reworded; I was emotionally upset...) - in that certain programs [be they through groups such as "Save Them Now" or other institutions / organizations...] have been sending former perpetrators of crimes (some of these very serious crimes...) to local support group meetings - to the point that for many support group attendees (women in particular) these meetings no longer [might they become a "feeding ground" for perpetrators????? Have they already become so????? Is the entire City of Kingston next?????] feel safe to attend.
3. That I know of a woman with a business [long term City of Kingston resident; long-term MidTown business owner] that is already at the point that she keeps her (Business!) door locked --- and only allows in customers (this is how I understand it and have experienced it) that call and schedule ahead...]
Photos and additional information - along with updates and sources - may be added later today or tomorrow [after the City Council Meeting...].
The notes above are unofficial - taken (by a concerned citizen / blogger) at the meeting (and from noted referenced materials) itself. If any errors are noted please let me know and I will check into it / make the appropriate corrections.
Reminder: Tonight - City of Kingston Common Council Meeting - City Hall Chambers - 7:30PM.
Peace, love, equality and humane justice,
Rachel Maddow on Bush Jr. Administration Emails... You Tube Video
["Rachel Maddow-E-mail could fill holes in the Bush record"; as submitted to You Tube by StartLoving2 on
December 14, 2009;]
December 14, 2009;]
Monday, December 14, 2009
Unofficial Public Hearing and Planning Board Meeting Note... Focus on "Save Them Now" Variance Proposal
Kingston City Hall Side View / Victory Garden
Photo by NS
Tonight's Public Hearing and Planning Board meeting at Kingston City Hall - regarding (amongst other things) the "Save Them Now" proposal for a variance, which would allow the organization (apparently another not-for-profit that would pay to lease the building?) to set up a prison release (and/or former inmate) residence and services facility in MidTown Kingston, was thankfully well-attended by individuals, citizens, business owners and taxpayers who had a lot of good reasons [including a petition, letters, documentation and personal stories] as to why this variance should NOT go through.
Thank you!
And even though my Post-Traumatic-Stress-Disorder (PTSD) is flaring - I said my piece [this advocacy stuff rips me apart physically and emotionally sometimes...] anyway. So I will give myself a "kudos", as well; even though I got a little over-emotional --- and a little too loud [I apologized....] at one point.
I'll write more on this - and hopefully have some photos to put up - tomorrow. [Don't forget the City Council Meeting tomorrow night!]
For now, it should be noted that only one person at the Public Hearing [Alderman Tom Hoffay] spoke in [tenatative?] favor [based on the utilization of a currently unutilized building] of granting the variance; whereas approximately ten people [Including Alderman Charles Landi, Alderman Shirley Whitlock and former Alderman Mary Ann Parker] spoke out --- very strongly --- against granting the variance.
Reminder... Public Hearing Tonight.... "Save Them Now..." Midtown Kingston Issues... "Save Us Now..." Ward 5 Christmas Photos... More
"A Little Reminder..." [Domestic Violence Awareness Clothesline Project]
Photo from UC Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Fall 2009 / Photo by NS
"Victims That No Longer Have a Voice"
Photo from UC Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Fall 2009 / Photo by NS
Photo of Crowd at UC Domestic Violence Awareness Event
Fall 2009 / Photo by NS
Photo by BF / Utilized with Permission
Some Bring Forth Light and Some (Check out the Potential Recidivism Rates Posted on a Thread Down Below...) Bring Forth Darkness...
TONIGHT: Dec. 14 - 6PM - Public Hearing - City Hall - Regarding Potential "Save Them Now" Program [Housing and Programing in MidTown for Released Prison Inmates...] Move to Broadway Area. Followed by a Planning Board Meeting [Please call to confirm: 331-0080]
[Why not move these guys out of the City - where perhaps they can also find light [Away from places that sell alcohol and drugs... Away from their substance and/or victim-preference of choice... Away from (in particular...) our City's homes, schools, businesses, male youth, women and children ?????]
Lighting Up the Darkness
Photo by NS
Shouldn't Our Children's Safety Come First ?????
Save US Now!
Photo from MidTown Kingston "Make a Difference Day"
Summer 2009 / Photo by NS
"Cost of Delay Vigil"
"Don't Leave Women Out!"
Photo by BS
Group Photo "Cost of Delay" Candlelight Vigil Political Action
New Paltz NY / Photo by BS

Photo from Organizational Meeting / Planning Meeting
How to "Stop the Violence" in Midtown [Everette Hodge Center]More Information Pending / Photo by NS
Photo from Organizational Meeting / Planning Meeting
How to "Stop the Violence" in Midtown [Everette Hodge Center]
More Information Pending / Photo by NS

Photo from Organizational Meeting / Planning Meeting
How to "Stop the Violence" in Midtown [Everette Hodge Center]More Information Pending / Photo by NS

Photo from Organizational Meeting / Planning Meeting
How to "Stop the Violence" in Midtown [Everette Hodge Center]More Information Pending / Photo by NS
Beautiful and Unique Tree
New Paltz, NY
Nativity Scene [Photos from Ward 5, Kingston NY]
Photo by NS
Santa Is On His Way... [Photos from Ward 5, Kingston NY]
Photo by NS
"At Least Someone Is Happy About the Snow!" [Photo from Ward 5, Kingston NY]
Photo by NS
"Winnie the Pooh!" [Photos from Ward 5, Kingston NY]
Photo by NS
"Santa and His Angel" [Photo from Ward 5, Kingston NY]
Photo by NS
Sunday, December 13, 2009
"Christmas Lights Gone Wild"... HouseofBoyd / You Tube
["Christmas Lights Gone Wild"; as submitted to You Tube by houseofboyd on November 21, 2005;]
Some people around the City of Kingston have also done an awesome - beautiful job of decorating their houses. Thank You!
Some people around the City of Kingston have also done an awesome - beautiful job of decorating their houses. Thank You!
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