[A photo (by NS) from earlier this year, as businesses started to close shop, one after another - for one reason or another - in the City of Kingston...]
Nov 23, 2009 Update:
In Jan 2009, when I hosted - with MoveOn.org (in association with some other groups, as well) - the Barack Obama Inauguration party at the Muddy Cup [which closed shortly after (I attempted to get a Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) to reopen it as a Community gathering / event / no booze family oriented party facility, and I was turned down)] - I was full of zest and zeal and hope; having been, like many others, totally disillusioned (to say the least) by the antics [some of which I consider outright crimes against the people of this nation...] of some members of the Bush Jr. [including former President George Bush Jr., himself; whom I consider one of the worst home-grown terrorists of this decade) Administration.
I didn't know a great deal about the intricate workings of politics, at that point; but I had gathered a great deal of history and facts [I am one to take my research to the max] during the writing of my three main published works [Please send any inquiries regarding these directly to my email or PO Box].
I had always considered myself - to that point [Jan 2009] an agoraphobic activist; or, if you like - an oxymoron in the flesh --- with my heart and conscience urging me to get "out there..." --- and my mind and body (in all of its symptomology...) screaming "No, No, No!"
Slowly, I started --- with the Inauguration Party being the first biggy (other than some public speaking and activism around child safety issues...) --- to get involved in politics --- at various levels and in coalition with a number of activism oriented groups...
Putting the books (quite different from what I write here; published in 2007) behind me (for the most part) --- and staying up to date (as best I could and can) on local, State and National news.
I attended (generally, with my husband) City Council Meetings, Kingston Area Public Access (KAPA) Meetings, and some other City meetings (Finance; Cable; Laws and Rules; Human Rights Commission; Etc.) - to learn. But I began, over the course of time, to voice my opinions (albeit with a pounding heart) --- and I slowly, oh so slowly - built up a degree of understanding, empathy (for all parties involved) and [Our whole socio-economic-political system - is, in my opinion - a mess...] a flickering of self-esteem, self-confidence, a sense (not so good...) of heightened danger, and --- as I swim in a tank of catfish, goldfish and sharks (finding that sometimes one masquerades as the other..) --- courage.
I got to know people - wonderful people, for the most part - although I rarely get real close [this relates to my personal history] to anyone. Probably, in the interim, becoming - for some - a "bone of contention"; and for others, a welcome [I know at least some people appreciate what I have to say, whether it is on this blog or elsewhere] sight.
Did I ever intend to get so involved in politics at the local level?
Do I feel I have something to give in that area?
Have I become obsessed with it all?
Does everyone involved in politics become so?
I wonder...
Have I seen citizen activism grow and blossom locally and elsewhere - with others, perhaps like myself, getting involved for the first time?
Is this a good thing - bringing with it a more diverse range of thoughts, opinions, ideas and suggestions?
I think so.
Has this come at a high cost [physically, mentally, financially, socially) to some of us? [Many of whom can't afford to adequately meet (in regards to quality, accessibility, affordability) our own medical (this no doubt covers a wide range, and mental health needs don't get mentioned often enough...) needs.]
I can answer that to the affirmative --- and I'm sure some others can too.
Whatever the case, I want to thank all of the individuals portrayed in the Flickr photo slide show below - for being there - for caring enough (when such is the case) to be there - for trying to find solutions - and for allowing my presence and my camera (sometimes) at events.
I also wanted to add some more ideas about current budget issues here (K-NY) --- but I have decided to do that in a separate post [Stay tuned...] above.
[Photos (Primarily by NS) from K-NY and UC-NY Meetings and Events Jan 2009 - Nov 2009; http://www.flickr.com/photos/withazap/sets/72157622722915259/show/]
If you would like your photo removed from this slide show [all photos were taken with permission (at the time) and/or at "public" events] - please let me know.
There are other new posts / issues touched upon below...
Peace, Love, Truth and Humane Justice,
Saturday, November 21, 2009
Friday, November 20, 2009
Thinking Beyond the Box... When is a Mudpuddle Not a Mudpuddle... Put Your Rake To Use... A Question of Money, Values and Child Safety
[YMCA Park Flooding (Every Heavy Rain) - A Chronic Problem for People in the Neighborhood - A Potential Health Issue (What is in that Water?) for Children?; Photo by NS]
[YMCA Park - which apparently hasn't been cleaned since October 31, 2009; Photo by NS]
The YMCA Park has been a "bone of contention" for people in the neighborhood all Summer long. It is neglected in terms up upkeep. It is neglected in terms of supervision. It is neglected (These statements reflect my opinion, my husband's opinion, my adult children's opinions and the opinions of at least some of my neighbors) - period. And it would seem to me - through all of the grants, donations and fees collected [Does the YMCA pay for garbage P/U and other services? Are they part not-for-profit and part for profit?] they ought to be able to maintain their property...
Beyond which - when one considers the post [budget issues] below - and the links in the sidebar [Check out the difference between the YMCA "Mission Statement" and the YWCA "Mission Statement" - isn't there a little issue of "Separation of Church and State" [and/or Discrimination?] in the mix here?
What do you think?
BTW, both the YMCA and the YWCA have childcare programs - funded by parents, UCDSS, the Childcare Council and/or other means - but, to my knowlege (having been employed at the YWCA...) the remainder of services provided for YWCA clients [Teen Parent Case Management; Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Services, English as a Second Language; Literacy; General Advocacy; Family Court Childcare Center; etc.) are (The YWCA's other programs are primarily funded by grants...) --- provided for free. [My only complaint in regard to YWCA services is that they do not specifically - in house - to any degree (to my knowlege; this could have changed] - address [via specific programs) childhood trauma, domestic violence, post-traumatic-stress disorder and/or some other issues that would also be at the top of my list...]
[YMCA Park - which apparently hasn't been cleaned since October 31, 2009; Photo by NS]
The YMCA Park has been a "bone of contention" for people in the neighborhood all Summer long. It is neglected in terms up upkeep. It is neglected in terms of supervision. It is neglected (These statements reflect my opinion, my husband's opinion, my adult children's opinions and the opinions of at least some of my neighbors) - period. And it would seem to me - through all of the grants, donations and fees collected [Does the YMCA pay for garbage P/U and other services? Are they part not-for-profit and part for profit?] they ought to be able to maintain their property...
Beyond which - when one considers the post [budget issues] below - and the links in the sidebar [Check out the difference between the YMCA "Mission Statement" and the YWCA "Mission Statement" - isn't there a little issue of "Separation of Church and State" [and/or Discrimination?] in the mix here?
What do you think?
BTW, both the YMCA and the YWCA have childcare programs - funded by parents, UCDSS, the Childcare Council and/or other means - but, to my knowlege (having been employed at the YWCA...) the remainder of services provided for YWCA clients [Teen Parent Case Management; Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Services, English as a Second Language; Literacy; General Advocacy; Family Court Childcare Center; etc.) are (The YWCA's other programs are primarily funded by grants...) --- provided for free. [My only complaint in regard to YWCA services is that they do not specifically - in house - to any degree (to my knowlege; this could have changed] - address [via specific programs) childhood trauma, domestic violence, post-traumatic-stress disorder and/or some other issues that would also be at the top of my list...]
Budget Question... Pertinent Links... Thinking Beyond the Box
[Photo (by NS) from Public Hearing on Mayor Sottile's Proposed 2010 Budget]
I will follow up on this tomorrow - but for now (if you so choose) - I would like you to check out the links available in the sidebar >>>>>
Then Ask yourself:
Should the Ulster County YMCA in Kingston, NY get $25,000 of Municipality / City of Kingston / Taxpayer money - or would that money be best spent elsewhere?
I will follow up on this tomorrow - but for now (if you so choose) - I would like you to check out the links available in the sidebar >>>>>
Then Ask yourself:
Should the Ulster County YMCA in Kingston, NY get $25,000 of Municipality / City of Kingston / Taxpayer money - or would that money be best spent elsewhere?
Slideshow Public Option Rally K-NY MoveOn.org Political Action NS Flickr Thank You Congressman Maurice Hinchey
Trying Something New... Thank You Maurice Hinchey - MoveOn.org Political Action - and Flickr!
[Slideshow; Public Option Rally Kingston, NY; MoveOn.Org Political Action; Photos and Slideshow [Flickr] by NS (mostly) and Attendees; One Stock Photo by NS; Nov 2009]
[Slideshow; Public Option Rally Kingston, NY; MoveOn.Org Political Action; Photos and Slideshow [Flickr] by NS (mostly) and Attendees; One Stock Photo by NS; Nov 2009]
Photos... Around Town... Public Option Rally... Taking a Break...
Taking a Break... Just some Pics... More to Come...
[Uptown Parking Meter; Photo by NS]
[Historic District Uptown; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by NS]
[KHS; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by NS]
[Statue Uptown Park; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by Attendee (Sponsored by MoveOn.org Political Action]
[Uptown Parking Meter; Photo by NS]
[Historic District Uptown; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by NS]
[KHS; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by NS]
[Statue Uptown Park; Photo by SS]
[Public Option Rally Uptown; Photo by Attendee (Sponsored by MoveOn.org Political Action]
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
Updated as I go... Budget Exercise... Submission... Own and Collective... to Alderman Landi... Finance and Economic Development Committee
[Just for Fun!; Photo by NS]
I was not able to attend last night's Finance and Economic Development [with a focus on the Mayor's 2010 Budget Proposal] Meeting, but I did send the following to Alderman Charles Landi [Committee Chair] - with a request that he make copies for the rest of the Council members.
Please note that this write-up was done without a knowlege of Union laws and/or some of the other types of restraints and/or complications that the Mayor and/or City Coucil members face - and that I am not familiar (beyond brief interchanges, in some cases) with most of the people [whatever their position or department (this is NOT personal!)] for whom I have advocated pay cuts [This might seem horrible to some --- so please realize that this is coming from the perspective of someone that has a personal income of less than $12,000 a year... (and that I am doing all of this voluntarily, at my own - in every sense of the word - expense)]
I did this as an exercise (A very challenging one, at that!) - with thoughts of the general economy in the City of Kingston in mind; with a concept of equity and fairness (in regard to all of the City's populus) beating firmly in my heart; and in the hopes that some small part of this [if not more] might prove valuable.
Collective notes, which were also submitted (garnered from a variety of sources) - are down a bit.
I did not censor these and I neither agree nor disagree with these, unless this is (by me) explicitly stated...
[Corrections (on site) have been made [These are generally in brackets] - and a few omissions (for the sake of my privacy online) have been made (for what it is worth :) - as well]
Date: 11/17/09
From: [NS]
To: Alderman Charles Landi and the Remainder (Please Make and Distribute Copies) of the City of Kingston Common Council
Venue: Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting [Focus on Mayor Sottile's proposed 2010 Budget]
Tentative Proposal [worth thinking about] for Changes [with an acknowlegement on my part that there may be Union rules and/or other factors that make my ideas (in part or in full) unworkable] to Mayor Sottile's proposed 2010 City of Kingston Budget [Note: The Average City of Kingston Job, According to Andi Turco-Levin's Blog ("Just Something 2 Think About") [There is a link to this blog in the sidebar >] - Pays $28,000 a Year]:
1. Eliminate Page Pay and Benefits: - $ 601 [Possible School or College (for free) Credit situation?]
2. Eliminate Boot Fees: - $3,500 [Buy own...]
3. Eliminate [Comptroller] the 2nd Senior Account Clerk's Position (W. DeCicco):
- $ 54,282 (Include [s] Benefits)
4. Eliminate [Parking Violations] Senior Account Clerk Position [M. Szymanski]
- $11,262 [Includes Benefits]
5. Eliminate Monies for Queens Galley: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
6. Eliminate Monies for Soup Kitchen: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
7. Eliminate Monies for Peoples Place: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
8. Reduce Pay [Planning] of City Planner [S. Cahill]: - $10,000
9. Reduce Pay [Planning] of Assistant Planner [K. Habner] - $ 10,000
10. Eliminate Pay [Human Rights] for P/T Human Resources Gen [T. Washington]:
- $ 25,058 (Include [s] Benefits) [Refer problems to County?????]
11. Eliminate Position of the Director of Economic Development (Steve Finkle):
- $ 111,050 (Includes Benefits) [Contemplate, instead, a commission situation based on performance?????]
12. Eliminate [On St. Park] O/T: - $1,802 (includes benefits) [I tried to hit / delete all overtime positions - across departments - because if this O/T is absolutely necessary, it constitutes possible P/T work (We need jobs in this City!) for others...]
13. Eliminate [UCP] O/T [K. Cook]: - $1,202
14. Eliminate KPD O/T: - $ 253,300
15. Eliminate Pay for School Guards and Matrons: - $15,000 [It seems like schools could handle this themselves...]
16. Cut the Pay of... 9 [10?] KPD Sergeants (10/10.8] - $ 10,000 each
[Total: Aprox. - $100,000][?????] [I got a little boggled by the way some numbers read, but I hope the gist of what I'm suggesting is evident...]
17. Reduce Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000
18. Reduce Assistant Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000
19. Reduce Deputy Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000 [Total: -$40,000-$50,000 (?????)]
20. Reduce Fire Captain Pay: - $10,000 [Total: - $30,000 (?????)]
21. Reduce Fire Lieutenant Pay: - $ 7,000 [Total: - $ $50,000 - $60,000 (?????)]
22. Pay City of Kingston Fire Fighters $50,000 Across the Board [Total: $1,650,000]: [Total Savings: - $ 307,580 (?????)]
23. Reduce Director of Parks and Recreation Pay [Keven Gilfeather]: - $ 20,000
24. Eliminate [Parks and Rec] O/T, Standby Pay and Meal Allowances: - $ 11,744
25. Reduce Treatment Plant Senior Operator Pay: - $35,000
26. Reduce Treatment Plant Laborer Pay: - $75,000
27. Reduce [Assessor] City Assessor's Pay [M. Bahruth]: - $20,000
28. Reduce [Assessor] Deputy Assessor's Pay [B. Slattery (Sp?)]... [- $ 10,000]
29. Reduce [Assessor] City of Kingston Assessor's Aid's Pay [K.Wisner]: - $10,000
30. [Eliminated - was repetitious]
31. Reduce Parks and Recreation Department Director Pay: - $ 30,000
32. Propose option of 2-5 furlough days per year per City Employee.
33. If possible, eliminate Bingo Inspector: - $ 7,747 (include [s] benefits)
34. Eliminate... P/T position of Corporate Counsel [J. Higgins]: - $143.726 (includes benefits) [This should probably be a reduction in pay versus an elimination????? (No offense intended, but that is a LOT of $$$ for a P/T position...]
35. Eliminate Bus Operations O/T Pay: - $35,000 [Possible P/T jobs in the O/T Department - Across Departments?????]
36. Eliminate Stadium O/T Pay: - $ 10,815
37. Eliminate Environmental Educator O/T: - $ 9,612
38. Eliminate Pumping Station O/T: - $ 10,000
39: Eliminate Waste Water Treatment O/T: - $ 89,473
Suggestions [Not fleshed out...]
Increase Child Safety [Fire Dpt] by $10,000
Increase Child Safety [Police Dpt] by $10,000
Reinstate Code Enforcement Officer: + $30,000 year
Tourism: Increase Positions +
Transfer [the] $2,500 from Mayor to [the] YMCA to [the] Parks and Rec and/or Tourism [Department] [instead] [Update (Friday Nov. 20, 2009: Yesterday's "Daily Freeman" ["Y may run some city rec programs"; Paul Kirby; Nov. 19, 2009; P. A3] quotes this amount as $25,000 - which is the number I started with here and apparently (?) got confused about... And I must say that I (speaking only as a citizen) am totally opposed (I will adress this futher above...) to this proposed ($25,000 of Municipality / City Money... to the YMCA] transfer.
Increase Pay of Economic Development Coordinator (B.R.) by $20,000 [I've worked as a Program Coordinator and with sufficient funding they "can" accomplish a lot!]
Take Celebrations back to [the] 2008 Level: + 138,108 [Revenues were $41,835 (And this was apparently a very important factor for quite a number of Citizens! (As well as being an asset in regard to tourism potentialities!)]
Reinstate KPD Officers 1, 2 & 3 at $50,000 each [Total: $150,000]
Reinstate KPD Dispatchers 3-8 [Reasonable rate $30,000 ea? Total + $180,000 (Online Correction Made... But I still think (?) I might have screwed up something here...)]
[Line eliminated re. KPD Officer - See entry re. officers 1, 2 & 3 above]
Raise Deputy Building Inspector Pay: + $ 10,000
Raise Plumbing Inspector Pay: + $20,000
Add Two P/T Parks and Recreation Department Workers:
[+ $15,000 each; Total $30,000]
Longer Term: Set up Committee, as per prior request, to evaluate Not-for-Profits and determine if any of them:
a. Belong back on the property tax roles
b. Should be paying for certain (or all) services
c. Should be paying (in part or in full) sales tax revenues
d. Etc.
Other Ideas [These were gathered, collectively, from a variety of sources; I am in favor of some and not in favor of others...]:
[1] Eliminate Consultants [One might be able to utilize students (from UCCC and/or SUNY at New Paltz (extra credits; research projects; graduate projects] in some instances...]
[2] [Impose] Stricter Controls on all Contractual Agreements [---] with a focus on hiring from within the City of Kingston and taking the lowest competent bid [out of three or more]
[3] Enforce Current Codes Regarding Garbage P/U, Recycling, Animal Control, Etc. [Increase (d) Revenues]
[Questions I Have / Submitted]:
What is HMEO?
What is MEO-XH?
What is MESA?
What are "Special Sponsor Fees"?
[Do these fees and such court adjustment?]
Additional Thoughts / Ideas [These were gathered, collectively, from a variety of sources; I am in favor of some and not in favor of others...]
1. Get rid of [the] Mayor
2. Get rid of [the] Consultants
3. [We] Need Union Reps to Come to the Table / Negotiate / Be Reasonable
4. End Cronyism
5. Re-negotiate for cheaper Health Insurance, Dental Coverage, etc.
6. Change Government / Policies [Mayor at meetings; etc.]
7. Change Attitudes [Work together to get through this!]
8. Keep Basic Services Intact: Police, Fire, DPW, Sanitation [Safety / Prevention / Quality of Life Concerns....]
9. Cut back perks, fringe benefits, vehicles, gas, administrative costs
10. Transfer DARE Program to Health Dpt.
11. Use City Garage to Service Police Cars
12. Cut "Fire Meter Maids" (???)
13. Implement "Pay as You Throw" [Potential $1 Million + in Revenue, along with increased recycling and estimated reduction in landfill costs of around $200,000 (First brought up by Environmental Educator, Steve Noble in 2008)]
14. [Some] ... Are Against "Pay as..." [View as second tax]
15. Some: Go ahead and lay off whoever you need to
16. Most: Against all layoffs
17. Sell one or more of the Parks
18. Revitalize Parks for Youth and Tourism Purposes
19. Implement mandate to recycle and fine for non-compliance
20. Enforce codes already on books / Consider raising some of the fines
21. Secure Grants When and Where Possible
22. Audit Every Department Next Year - Vehicle Use, Cell Phone Use, Etc. - Zap all [Un-necessary] expenses
23. Increase Ward 4 Participation in Gov. [Jeanne Edwards]
24. PBA President, W.M. collected at least "3,493" signatures against any KPD layoffs.
[25]. 350-400 at Public Hearing - All Speakers Spoke against Layoffs in one or more or all of the Departments
26. Other - as brought up by City of Kingston City Alderman and Other People [too much to go into in so little time; contact me for any further information and/or to inform me of errors] at Meetings.
Thank You,
[Nancy Smith]
1. Revisions have been made here to clarify statements - explain some of my reasoning - and/or correct errors [I did the original submitted document over the course of a day (inclusive of printing out the Mayor's entire 2010 Budget Proposal); I apologize for the errors!]
2. If your thoughts and/or ideas aren't represented here, please feel free to post them here and/or submit them in to your Alderman - the Alderman-at-Large, James Noble, Jr. and/or Mayor James Sottile.
4. Ponder all of this... but realize it was an "exercise" - done by a layperson who is not familiar with Union rules(as noted above) and/or particular job responsibilities.
5. If you notice any errors please call them to my attention. This was and is being submitted with almost (lol) complete humility... [I might as well try to do something productive with my time, right?]
6. The regular Finance and Economic Development Meeting - to the best of my knowledge [It is always good to call and confirm] is tonight at 7PM at City Hall.
Peace, Love, Truth and Humane Justice,
I was not able to attend last night's Finance and Economic Development [with a focus on the Mayor's 2010 Budget Proposal] Meeting, but I did send the following to Alderman Charles Landi [Committee Chair] - with a request that he make copies for the rest of the Council members.
Please note that this write-up was done without a knowlege of Union laws and/or some of the other types of restraints and/or complications that the Mayor and/or City Coucil members face - and that I am not familiar (beyond brief interchanges, in some cases) with most of the people [whatever their position or department (this is NOT personal!)] for whom I have advocated pay cuts [This might seem horrible to some --- so please realize that this is coming from the perspective of someone that has a personal income of less than $12,000 a year... (and that I am doing all of this voluntarily, at my own - in every sense of the word - expense)]
I did this as an exercise (A very challenging one, at that!) - with thoughts of the general economy in the City of Kingston in mind; with a concept of equity and fairness (in regard to all of the City's populus) beating firmly in my heart; and in the hopes that some small part of this [if not more] might prove valuable.
Collective notes, which were also submitted (garnered from a variety of sources) - are down a bit.
I did not censor these and I neither agree nor disagree with these, unless this is (by me) explicitly stated...
[Corrections (on site) have been made [These are generally in brackets] - and a few omissions (for the sake of my privacy online) have been made (for what it is worth :) - as well]
Date: 11/17/09
From: [NS]
To: Alderman Charles Landi and the Remainder (Please Make and Distribute Copies) of the City of Kingston Common Council
Venue: Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting [Focus on Mayor Sottile's proposed 2010 Budget]
Tentative Proposal [worth thinking about] for Changes [with an acknowlegement on my part that there may be Union rules and/or other factors that make my ideas (in part or in full) unworkable] to Mayor Sottile's proposed 2010 City of Kingston Budget [Note: The Average City of Kingston Job, According to Andi Turco-Levin's Blog ("Just Something 2 Think About") [There is a link to this blog in the sidebar >] - Pays $28,000 a Year]:
1. Eliminate Page Pay and Benefits: - $ 601 [Possible School or College (for free) Credit situation?]
2. Eliminate Boot Fees: - $3,500 [Buy own...]
3. Eliminate [Comptroller] the 2nd Senior Account Clerk's Position (W. DeCicco):
- $ 54,282 (Include [s] Benefits)
4. Eliminate [Parking Violations] Senior Account Clerk Position [M. Szymanski]
- $11,262 [Includes Benefits]
5. Eliminate Monies for Queens Galley: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
6. Eliminate Monies for Soup Kitchen: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
7. Eliminate Monies for Peoples Place: - $ 2,000 [Resources can come from elsewhere / fundraising]
8. Reduce Pay [Planning] of City Planner [S. Cahill]: - $10,000
9. Reduce Pay [Planning] of Assistant Planner [K. Habner] - $ 10,000
10. Eliminate Pay [Human Rights] for P/T Human Resources Gen [T. Washington]:
- $ 25,058 (Include [s] Benefits) [Refer problems to County?????]
11. Eliminate Position of the Director of Economic Development (Steve Finkle):
- $ 111,050 (Includes Benefits) [Contemplate, instead, a commission situation based on performance?????]
12. Eliminate [On St. Park] O/T: - $1,802 (includes benefits) [I tried to hit / delete all overtime positions - across departments - because if this O/T is absolutely necessary, it constitutes possible P/T work (We need jobs in this City!) for others...]
13. Eliminate [UCP] O/T [K. Cook]: - $1,202
14. Eliminate KPD O/T: - $ 253,300
15. Eliminate Pay for School Guards and Matrons: - $15,000 [It seems like schools could handle this themselves...]
16. Cut the Pay of... 9 [10?] KPD Sergeants (10/10.8] - $ 10,000 each
[Total: Aprox. - $100,000][?????] [I got a little boggled by the way some numbers read, but I hope the gist of what I'm suggesting is evident...]
17. Reduce Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000
18. Reduce Assistant Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000
19. Reduce Deputy Fire Chief Pay: - $10,000 [Total: -$40,000-$50,000 (?????)]
20. Reduce Fire Captain Pay: - $10,000 [Total: - $30,000 (?????)]
21. Reduce Fire Lieutenant Pay: - $ 7,000 [Total: - $ $50,000 - $60,000 (?????)]
22. Pay City of Kingston Fire Fighters $50,000 Across the Board [Total: $1,650,000]: [Total Savings: - $ 307,580 (?????)]
23. Reduce Director of Parks and Recreation Pay [Keven Gilfeather]: - $ 20,000
24. Eliminate [Parks and Rec] O/T, Standby Pay and Meal Allowances: - $ 11,744
25. Reduce Treatment Plant Senior Operator Pay: - $35,000
26. Reduce Treatment Plant Laborer Pay: - $75,000
27. Reduce [Assessor] City Assessor's Pay [M. Bahruth]: - $20,000
28. Reduce [Assessor] Deputy Assessor's Pay [B. Slattery (Sp?)]... [- $ 10,000]
29. Reduce [Assessor] City of Kingston Assessor's Aid's Pay [K.Wisner]: - $10,000
30. [Eliminated - was repetitious]
31. Reduce Parks and Recreation Department Director Pay: - $ 30,000
32. Propose option of 2-5 furlough days per year per City Employee.
33. If possible, eliminate Bingo Inspector: - $ 7,747 (include [s] benefits)
34. Eliminate... P/T position of Corporate Counsel [J. Higgins]: - $143.726 (includes benefits) [This should probably be a reduction in pay versus an elimination????? (No offense intended, but that is a LOT of $$$ for a P/T position...]
35. Eliminate Bus Operations O/T Pay: - $35,000 [Possible P/T jobs in the O/T Department - Across Departments?????]
36. Eliminate Stadium O/T Pay: - $ 10,815
37. Eliminate Environmental Educator O/T: - $ 9,612
38. Eliminate Pumping Station O/T: - $ 10,000
39: Eliminate Waste Water Treatment O/T: - $ 89,473
Suggestions [Not fleshed out...]
Increase Child Safety [Fire Dpt] by $10,000
Increase Child Safety [Police Dpt] by $10,000
Reinstate Code Enforcement Officer: + $30,000 year
Tourism: Increase Positions +
Transfer [the] $2,500 from Mayor to [the] YMCA to [the] Parks and Rec and/or Tourism [Department] [instead] [Update (Friday Nov. 20, 2009: Yesterday's "Daily Freeman" ["Y may run some city rec programs"; Paul Kirby; Nov. 19, 2009; P. A3] quotes this amount as $25,000 - which is the number I started with here and apparently (?) got confused about... And I must say that I (speaking only as a citizen) am totally opposed (I will adress this futher above...) to this proposed ($25,000 of Municipality / City Money... to the YMCA] transfer.
Increase Pay of Economic Development Coordinator (B.R.) by $20,000 [I've worked as a Program Coordinator and with sufficient funding they "can" accomplish a lot!]
Take Celebrations back to [the] 2008 Level: + 138,108 [Revenues were $41,835 (And this was apparently a very important factor for quite a number of Citizens! (As well as being an asset in regard to tourism potentialities!)]
Reinstate KPD Officers 1, 2 & 3 at $50,000 each [Total: $150,000]
Reinstate KPD Dispatchers 3-8 [Reasonable rate $30,000 ea? Total + $180,000 (Online Correction Made... But I still think (?) I might have screwed up something here...)]
[Line eliminated re. KPD Officer - See entry re. officers 1, 2 & 3 above]
Raise Deputy Building Inspector Pay: + $ 10,000
Raise Plumbing Inspector Pay: + $20,000
Add Two P/T Parks and Recreation Department Workers:
[+ $15,000 each; Total $30,000]
Longer Term: Set up Committee, as per prior request, to evaluate Not-for-Profits and determine if any of them:
a. Belong back on the property tax roles
b. Should be paying for certain (or all) services
c. Should be paying (in part or in full) sales tax revenues
d. Etc.
Other Ideas [These were gathered, collectively, from a variety of sources; I am in favor of some and not in favor of others...]:
[1] Eliminate Consultants [One might be able to utilize students (from UCCC and/or SUNY at New Paltz (extra credits; research projects; graduate projects] in some instances...]
[2] [Impose] Stricter Controls on all Contractual Agreements [---] with a focus on hiring from within the City of Kingston and taking the lowest competent bid [out of three or more]
[3] Enforce Current Codes Regarding Garbage P/U, Recycling, Animal Control, Etc. [Increase (d) Revenues]
[Questions I Have / Submitted]:
What is HMEO?
What is MEO-XH?
What is MESA?
What are "Special Sponsor Fees"?
[Do these fees and such court adjustment?]
Additional Thoughts / Ideas [These were gathered, collectively, from a variety of sources; I am in favor of some and not in favor of others...]
1. Get rid of [the] Mayor
2. Get rid of [the] Consultants
3. [We] Need Union Reps to Come to the Table / Negotiate / Be Reasonable
4. End Cronyism
5. Re-negotiate for cheaper Health Insurance, Dental Coverage, etc.
6. Change Government / Policies [Mayor at meetings; etc.]
7. Change Attitudes [Work together to get through this!]
8. Keep Basic Services Intact: Police, Fire, DPW, Sanitation [Safety / Prevention / Quality of Life Concerns....]
9. Cut back perks, fringe benefits, vehicles, gas, administrative costs
10. Transfer DARE Program to Health Dpt.
11. Use City Garage to Service Police Cars
12. Cut "Fire Meter Maids" (???)
13. Implement "Pay as You Throw" [Potential $1 Million + in Revenue, along with increased recycling and estimated reduction in landfill costs of around $200,000 (First brought up by Environmental Educator, Steve Noble in 2008)]
14. [Some] ... Are Against "Pay as..." [View as second tax]
15. Some: Go ahead and lay off whoever you need to
16. Most: Against all layoffs
17. Sell one or more of the Parks
18. Revitalize Parks for Youth and Tourism Purposes
19. Implement mandate to recycle and fine for non-compliance
20. Enforce codes already on books / Consider raising some of the fines
21. Secure Grants When and Where Possible
22. Audit Every Department Next Year - Vehicle Use, Cell Phone Use, Etc. - Zap all [Un-necessary] expenses
23. Increase Ward 4 Participation in Gov. [Jeanne Edwards]
24. PBA President, W.M. collected at least "3,493" signatures against any KPD layoffs.
[25]. 350-400 at Public Hearing - All Speakers Spoke against Layoffs in one or more or all of the Departments
26. Other - as brought up by City of Kingston City Alderman and Other People [too much to go into in so little time; contact me for any further information and/or to inform me of errors] at Meetings.
Thank You,
[Nancy Smith]
1. Revisions have been made here to clarify statements - explain some of my reasoning - and/or correct errors [I did the original submitted document over the course of a day (inclusive of printing out the Mayor's entire 2010 Budget Proposal); I apologize for the errors!]
2. If your thoughts and/or ideas aren't represented here, please feel free to post them here and/or submit them in to your Alderman - the Alderman-at-Large, James Noble, Jr. and/or Mayor James Sottile.
4. Ponder all of this... but realize it was an "exercise" - done by a layperson who is not familiar with Union rules(as noted above) and/or particular job responsibilities.
5. If you notice any errors please call them to my attention. This was and is being submitted with almost (lol) complete humility... [I might as well try to do something productive with my time, right?]
6. The regular Finance and Economic Development Meeting - to the best of my knowledge [It is always good to call and confirm] is tonight at 7PM at City Hall.
Peace, Love, Truth and Humane Justice,
Tuesday, November 17, 2009
UPDATE... Finance and Economic Development Meetings... Mayor's Proposed 2010 Budget... Citizen... Unofficial... Notes
[Photo (by NS) of an Illustration from an Old "Jack and the Beanstalk" book (Just for Laughs!)]
I will not be posting specific notes - today - on last night's Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting - regarding the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - although I did attend it for an hour - and notes on both that meeting and tonight's meeting are (most likely) pending.
I am, however, working on submissions to the Council for tonight's meeting - including what I have collectively gathered and what I have come up with (very complex and no doubt limited, to one degree or another, by laws and rules I don't know about...) on my own.
I will say - now - that Alderman Charles Landi did an excellent job at chairing the meeting - that all of the Council members were in attendance - that 30-40+ people were in attendance - that all who raised their hand to speak (as far as I could tell / during the time I was there) got to speak - and that both the City Assessor [MaryAnn Bahruth (very informative and prepared)) and a Representative from the Parks and Recreation Department (Kevin Gilfeather, Recreation Supt., Administrator's Office) showed up to speak.
I am personally impressed (for the most part) with the Council and the work they are putting into this.
I am (personally) not happy with the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - as is - but "wonder" about the constraints that he and the Council may or may not (at least in some instances) be working under.
No doubt [in my mind] - the Council should have taken this matter more seriously - at an earlier date - public meetings should have been held earlier than this - and the crunch [to say the least] is on...
The fact that the payroll is [if I heard this right] being paid out of borrowed money [and/or bonds?] - and that the City of Kingston is facing a potential [if I have this right] Chapter 9 Bankruptcy - where we will have all of our services cut to the bottom line...] should be [I think] taken very seriously by all.
Who is willing to give a bit and where?
I am personally shocked at the wide range in pay ranges that are illustrated (within some Departments) in the Mayor's 2010 Proposed Budget...
And I wonder: "What the matter (ahem...) be?"
So... I've been taking my own challenge to try to devise a budget that works... and although some may laugh at my naivete [regarding Union restraints, etc.]... I am certainly giving this [still in the works] "my" best (naivete acknowledged) shot.
I do want to say - now - that I was disappointed in today's "Daily Freeman" coverage of last night's meeting - and of the last meeting ["Daily Freeman"; 11/15 and 11/17; Front Page] --- because it is so focused [for the most part] on one [the Recreation Department issues seem to make all of the headlines...] topic.
Yes, there was a lot of intensity around the whole Recreation Department issue...
But there were also a lot of other things said - and the fact that the City Assessor [MaryAnn Bahruth] came and helped clarify some issues around tax exemptions and such [Thank You!] should not [in my opinion] have been left out!
Nor should anything else that was put on the table for discussion.
That said, I'm going to keep on plugging - and hope that I can withstand (as a volunteer / citizen advocate / blogger) the stress - which I undergo ('tis on me) because I care - and I am (yep, yep, yep) very obsessive / compulsive ('tis a negative and a positive) when I care :)
There is another meeting tonight - same topic - City Hall - 7PM >>>>
Another tomorrow night [This is the regular Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting]
And another [Some related issues are being brought up at the Planning Board Meeting, as well...] the next (Thursday).
Can I attend all of these? Probably (health concerns) not. But I will continue to do what I can when I can where I can.
Peace, Love and Humane Justice,
I will not be posting specific notes - today - on last night's Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting - regarding the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - although I did attend it for an hour - and notes on both that meeting and tonight's meeting are (most likely) pending.
I am, however, working on submissions to the Council for tonight's meeting - including what I have collectively gathered and what I have come up with (very complex and no doubt limited, to one degree or another, by laws and rules I don't know about...) on my own.
I will say - now - that Alderman Charles Landi did an excellent job at chairing the meeting - that all of the Council members were in attendance - that 30-40+ people were in attendance - that all who raised their hand to speak (as far as I could tell / during the time I was there) got to speak - and that both the City Assessor [MaryAnn Bahruth (very informative and prepared)) and a Representative from the Parks and Recreation Department (Kevin Gilfeather, Recreation Supt., Administrator's Office) showed up to speak.
I am personally impressed (for the most part) with the Council and the work they are putting into this.
I am (personally) not happy with the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - as is - but "wonder" about the constraints that he and the Council may or may not (at least in some instances) be working under.
No doubt [in my mind] - the Council should have taken this matter more seriously - at an earlier date - public meetings should have been held earlier than this - and the crunch [to say the least] is on...
The fact that the payroll is [if I heard this right] being paid out of borrowed money [and/or bonds?] - and that the City of Kingston is facing a potential [if I have this right] Chapter 9 Bankruptcy - where we will have all of our services cut to the bottom line...] should be [I think] taken very seriously by all.
Who is willing to give a bit and where?
I am personally shocked at the wide range in pay ranges that are illustrated (within some Departments) in the Mayor's 2010 Proposed Budget...
And I wonder: "What the matter (ahem...) be?"
So... I've been taking my own challenge to try to devise a budget that works... and although some may laugh at my naivete [regarding Union restraints, etc.]... I am certainly giving this [still in the works] "my" best (naivete acknowledged) shot.
I do want to say - now - that I was disappointed in today's "Daily Freeman" coverage of last night's meeting - and of the last meeting ["Daily Freeman"; 11/15 and 11/17; Front Page] --- because it is so focused [for the most part] on one [the Recreation Department issues seem to make all of the headlines...] topic.
Yes, there was a lot of intensity around the whole Recreation Department issue...
But there were also a lot of other things said - and the fact that the City Assessor [MaryAnn Bahruth] came and helped clarify some issues around tax exemptions and such [Thank You!] should not [in my opinion] have been left out!
Nor should anything else that was put on the table for discussion.
That said, I'm going to keep on plugging - and hope that I can withstand (as a volunteer / citizen advocate / blogger) the stress - which I undergo ('tis on me) because I care - and I am (yep, yep, yep) very obsessive / compulsive ('tis a negative and a positive) when I care :)
There is another meeting tonight - same topic - City Hall - 7PM >>>>
Another tomorrow night [This is the regular Finance and Economic Development Committee Meeting]
And another [Some related issues are being brought up at the Planning Board Meeting, as well...] the next (Thursday).
Can I attend all of these? Probably (health concerns) not. But I will continue to do what I can when I can where I can.
Peace, Love and Humane Justice,
Monday, November 16, 2009
Informal Finance and Economic Development Mting Notes... Other Meetings On Proposed 2010 Budget... Nov 18 Meeting Confusion and Clarification...
[Photo from Public Hearing on the Mayor's Proposed 2010 City of Kingston Budget (See Below for More Photos and Information)]
I spoke to MiMi(sp?)[Clerk at City Hall] this morning - and confirmed that there will be meetings at City Hall - regarding the Mayor's proposed 2010 budget - tonight and tomorrow night - as listed in the sidebar >>>>
The Nov. 18th Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting, however, is apparently listed wrong [I have a copy of this] on the City of Kingston Calender [This was also the address given in the last "Kingston Times", which quite likely got the same info (off the calender) as I did]...
According to both the Clerk that I spoke to - and Alderman Charles Landi (whom I spoke to after) - the Johnston House address is in error - and the Nov 18th Finance and Economic Development Committee "will" be held at City Hall - as per usual (most likely in Conference Room One).
Hopefully this matter will be corrected on the City website / calender - but in any event - it is probably good - considering the confusion (which I have now taken part in) to call City Hall at 331-0080 to clarify / confirm. [Both the Clerk and Alderman Landi reported not knowing how this got listed in such a manner on the City of Kingston Calender]
In regard to Thursday's [11/12/09] Finance and Economic Development Meeting - on the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - I will only post a few [I was only present for part of the meeting] notes:
1. Alderman Charles Landi was the Chairperson at the meeting.
2. I would guess 30-40 (+?) people were present [a good turnout based on what I have seen in the past] for some part and/or all of the meeting.
3. Alderman Landi passed out a copy of the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget.
4. Alderman Landi mentioned that there had been approximately 350 people [all against one or more items in the proposed Budget, with a focus on preventing the proposed layoffs) at the Public Hearing [see below for coverage of this] on the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget.
5. Alderman Landi mentioned that members of the Kingston Common Council were in communication with members of the Kingston Uptown Residents Alliance (KURA) - which recently held a very informative meeting [see below for coverage of this] that addressed City of Kingston monetary concerns [along with allowing a venue for local political candidates to speak (pre-election) and meet constituents].
6. Amongst those present at this [back to Thursday's Finance and Economic Development Committee (11/12/09) Meeting (I could not possibly name everyone...) were:
a. Alderman Charles Landi
b. Alderman Al Teetsel
c. Alderman Shirley Whitlock
d. Alderman Mike Madsen
e. Alderman Ann Marie DiBella
f. Alderman Ron Polaco
g. Alderman Tom Hoffay
h. Alderman-at-Large / City Council President James Noble, Jr.
i. City Comptroller, Mr. Tuey
j. Andi Turco-Levin [2010 Alderman, if the final election numbers have or do confirm this]
k. Jen Fuentes [2010 Alderman, if the final election numbers have or do confirm this]
l. Jeanne Edwards
m. A number of CSEA and/or Union Reps and/or Associates
j. A number of concerned City of Kingston residents.
A lot of interesting questions were brought up.
A few things apparently need to be clarified / followed up on in regard to the Unions.
The general theme of "no layoffs" (Alderman Landi) appears to represent the collective voice of the majority of Kingston residents that have taken a public stand...
The issue of taking a close look at the City of Kingston's Not-for-Profit sector
[religious and non; homestead/non-homestead; property tax exemptions; sales tax exemptions; exemption from certain service fees...] was brought up (in one manner or another, by a few different people...) again.
I also (on this topic) handed in a document to Alderman Landi --- with sufficient copies to be passed around the table - requesting that a committee be pulled together (See addendum below) to look at this particular issue --- which is complicated (There was some discord and disagreement about this at the meeting.) due to Federal, State and local regulations --- and different quotes of percentage breakdowns --- that many people (myself included) need to have a better grasp on...]
It was also brought up [along with a number of other things that have been mentioned previously on this site (see below) that if the 28 people are layed off (as recommended in the Mayors proposed 2010 budget) - the revenue "saved" (for lack of a better word) would be much less than it appears - due to the necessary pay-out (regarding these same employees) of unemployment benefits and other monies that have accrued to them.]
In closure:
I have omitted no names intentionally. I am simply pressed for time [I have an appointment.] --- and I was not, as noted earlier, present for this entire meeting.
[I must say, I heard a number of interesting things at this meeting and I did meet a couple of intriguing (in regard to different point of views and ideas) individuals!]
That said - as always - please let me know if you spot any errors here - and please feel free to add your input / ideas.
I am still working on compiling a list of suggestions for the Council - which I believe needs to be in [my self-imposed (and due to necessity) deadline] by tomorrow.
I also have a "fun" idea for anyone that has the knowledge, skills and time to give it a try...
Why not draw up a tentative budget - based on the numbers given [Mayor's tentative Budget 2010) --- and what you personally think --- inclusive of your own recommendations?
This "could" be a "fun" exercise (for some people...) [Do you like "Rubik cubes"?] - and it might prove [I keep reading and/or hearing the term, "think outside the box" -which I first heard in Women's Studies classes at SUNY - lately] to be a really insightful and valuable (Who knows?) exercise!
Truth, Love and Humane Justice,
Formal Request: Presented to City of Kingston Finance and Economic Committee on 11/12/2009
I am requesting that a committee be put together to evaluate the not-for-profits [religious and non; homestead and non-homestead] to determine if some of these organizations and/or associated properties belong on the tax roles.
I am requesting that this committee be made up of:
1. The President of the Common Council / Alderman-at-Large
2. The City of Kingston Comptroller
3. Alderman Madsen [As he will be moving on to the UC Legislature in 2010]
4. A member of the KPD [Perhaps a Detective?]
4. {A] To-Be-Determined Number of Others, Including two or more citizens of the City of Kingston, none of whom are associated with a Not-for-profit board or organization [religious or non] in any manner.
I am volunteering myself, as a concerned citizen, to work with this committee - and would recommend MaryAnne Parker , a former Kingston City Alderman that seems to have knowlege on this topic, as well. [This, providing that she and the others - and the appropriate political persons / bodies are interested].
[I am also compiling a list of citizen recommendations regarding the Mayors 2010 proposed budget, which will be emailed to pertinent parties and/or presented at the next pertinent meeting.
Thank You,
Nancy S. Smith, Citizen Advocate and Blogger
Kingston, NY...
Source: Informal Personal (Concerned Citizen) Meeting Notes and Document
I spoke to MiMi(sp?)[Clerk at City Hall] this morning - and confirmed that there will be meetings at City Hall - regarding the Mayor's proposed 2010 budget - tonight and tomorrow night - as listed in the sidebar >>>>
The Nov. 18th Finance and Economic Development Committee meeting, however, is apparently listed wrong [I have a copy of this] on the City of Kingston Calender [This was also the address given in the last "Kingston Times", which quite likely got the same info (off the calender) as I did]...
According to both the Clerk that I spoke to - and Alderman Charles Landi (whom I spoke to after) - the Johnston House address is in error - and the Nov 18th Finance and Economic Development Committee "will" be held at City Hall - as per usual (most likely in Conference Room One).
Hopefully this matter will be corrected on the City website / calender - but in any event - it is probably good - considering the confusion (which I have now taken part in) to call City Hall at 331-0080 to clarify / confirm. [Both the Clerk and Alderman Landi reported not knowing how this got listed in such a manner on the City of Kingston Calender]
In regard to Thursday's [11/12/09] Finance and Economic Development Meeting - on the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget - I will only post a few [I was only present for part of the meeting] notes:
1. Alderman Charles Landi was the Chairperson at the meeting.
2. I would guess 30-40 (+?) people were present [a good turnout based on what I have seen in the past] for some part and/or all of the meeting.
3. Alderman Landi passed out a copy of the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget.
4. Alderman Landi mentioned that there had been approximately 350 people [all against one or more items in the proposed Budget, with a focus on preventing the proposed layoffs) at the Public Hearing [see below for coverage of this] on the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget.
5. Alderman Landi mentioned that members of the Kingston Common Council were in communication with members of the Kingston Uptown Residents Alliance (KURA) - which recently held a very informative meeting [see below for coverage of this] that addressed City of Kingston monetary concerns [along with allowing a venue for local political candidates to speak (pre-election) and meet constituents].
6. Amongst those present at this [back to Thursday's Finance and Economic Development Committee (11/12/09) Meeting (I could not possibly name everyone...) were:
a. Alderman Charles Landi
b. Alderman Al Teetsel
c. Alderman Shirley Whitlock
d. Alderman Mike Madsen
e. Alderman Ann Marie DiBella
f. Alderman Ron Polaco
g. Alderman Tom Hoffay
h. Alderman-at-Large / City Council President James Noble, Jr.
i. City Comptroller, Mr. Tuey
j. Andi Turco-Levin [2010 Alderman, if the final election numbers have or do confirm this]
k. Jen Fuentes [2010 Alderman, if the final election numbers have or do confirm this]
l. Jeanne Edwards
m. A number of CSEA and/or Union Reps and/or Associates
j. A number of concerned City of Kingston residents.
A lot of interesting questions were brought up.
A few things apparently need to be clarified / followed up on in regard to the Unions.
The general theme of "no layoffs" (Alderman Landi) appears to represent the collective voice of the majority of Kingston residents that have taken a public stand...
The issue of taking a close look at the City of Kingston's Not-for-Profit sector
[religious and non; homestead/non-homestead; property tax exemptions; sales tax exemptions; exemption from certain service fees...] was brought up (in one manner or another, by a few different people...) again.
I also (on this topic) handed in a document to Alderman Landi --- with sufficient copies to be passed around the table - requesting that a committee be pulled together (See addendum below) to look at this particular issue --- which is complicated (There was some discord and disagreement about this at the meeting.) due to Federal, State and local regulations --- and different quotes of percentage breakdowns --- that many people (myself included) need to have a better grasp on...]
It was also brought up [along with a number of other things that have been mentioned previously on this site (see below) that if the 28 people are layed off (as recommended in the Mayors proposed 2010 budget) - the revenue "saved" (for lack of a better word) would be much less than it appears - due to the necessary pay-out (regarding these same employees) of unemployment benefits and other monies that have accrued to them.]
In closure:
I have omitted no names intentionally. I am simply pressed for time [I have an appointment.] --- and I was not, as noted earlier, present for this entire meeting.
[I must say, I heard a number of interesting things at this meeting and I did meet a couple of intriguing (in regard to different point of views and ideas) individuals!]
That said - as always - please let me know if you spot any errors here - and please feel free to add your input / ideas.
I am still working on compiling a list of suggestions for the Council - which I believe needs to be in [my self-imposed (and due to necessity) deadline] by tomorrow.
I also have a "fun" idea for anyone that has the knowledge, skills and time to give it a try...
Why not draw up a tentative budget - based on the numbers given [Mayor's tentative Budget 2010) --- and what you personally think --- inclusive of your own recommendations?
This "could" be a "fun" exercise (for some people...) [Do you like "Rubik cubes"?] - and it might prove [I keep reading and/or hearing the term, "think outside the box" -which I first heard in Women's Studies classes at SUNY - lately] to be a really insightful and valuable (Who knows?) exercise!
Truth, Love and Humane Justice,
Formal Request: Presented to City of Kingston Finance and Economic Committee on 11/12/2009
I am requesting that a committee be put together to evaluate the not-for-profits [religious and non; homestead and non-homestead] to determine if some of these organizations and/or associated properties belong on the tax roles.
I am requesting that this committee be made up of:
1. The President of the Common Council / Alderman-at-Large
2. The City of Kingston Comptroller
3. Alderman Madsen [As he will be moving on to the UC Legislature in 2010]
4. A member of the KPD [Perhaps a Detective?]
4. {A] To-Be-Determined Number of Others, Including two or more citizens of the City of Kingston, none of whom are associated with a Not-for-profit board or organization [religious or non] in any manner.
I am volunteering myself, as a concerned citizen, to work with this committee - and would recommend MaryAnne Parker , a former Kingston City Alderman that seems to have knowlege on this topic, as well. [This, providing that she and the others - and the appropriate political persons / bodies are interested].
[I am also compiling a list of citizen recommendations regarding the Mayors 2010 proposed budget, which will be emailed to pertinent parties and/or presented at the next pertinent meeting.
Thank You,
Nancy S. Smith, Citizen Advocate and Blogger
Kingston, NY...
Source: Informal Personal (Concerned Citizen) Meeting Notes and Document
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