This blog is an offshoot of my previous blog, Spreading Our Wings...
As before, this blog is personal and political... serious and sometimes silly...
My goal is to relay what I deem to be important information, express some of my viewpoints, engage in some online creativity - and find out (please comment appropriately) what others are thinking, as well!
SERIOUS BUSINESS.. Class Action Lawsuit.. Time for that Peace, Love and Humane Justice.. A Review and Update.. YOU TUBE.. Hinchey and more...
"Impeach ('Tis now too late to Impeach...) George Bush for High Crimes", as submiteed to YOU TUBE by GEERUP on 7/25/08:
["Impeach George Bush for High Crimes"; as submiteed to YOU TUBE by GEERUP on 7/25/08;]
Moving into Early January [When President Bush and Company were stll in power]:
"CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT" (Hmmmmm!) --- as submitted to YOU TUBE by commoneverydaypeople on 1/17/09 (Still Pre-President Obama):
["CLASS ACTION LAWSUIT"; as submitted to YOU TUBE by commoneverydaypeople on 1/17/09;]
"THE CIA, THE TRAVEL AGENTS AND TORTURE TOURISM", as submitted to YOU TUBE by bvongrabe on 1/19/09 {Still Pre-President Obama):
["THE CIA, THE TRAVEL AGENTS AND TORTURE TOURISM"; as submitted to YOU TUBE by bvongrabe on 1/19/09;]
"Pelosi wants investigation of Bush officials" as submitted by Subscribe4MoreNews on 1/19/2009 (One Day Before Barack Obama's Inauguration):
Subscribe4 ["Pelosi wants investigation of Bush officials"; as submitted by Subscribe4MoreNews on 1/19/2009;]
To which I would add Former President Bush's gross violation (in a number of different ways...) of the "US Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" in regard to the "Separation of Church and State" [For more on this, go to [A link will be made available in the sidebar...
As well as Former President Bush's gross neglect of America's children!
From 1/21/09 {One Day After Barack Obama's Inauguration}:
"An Indiana man filed a class action lawsuit against members of the former Bush administration for their misuse of TARP funds. Jerry Lukas filed the lawsuit in the Southern District court of Indiana because he was finished "getting ripped off by the Federal government..." ("Class Action Suit against Bush Crownies:" Tim Einenkel); [A link will also be placed in the sidebar>>>>].
"Sheldon Whitehouse and Marcy Wheeler Discuss al-Haramain Wiretapping Suit" as submitted to YOU TUBE by firedoglake on 1/22/09 [Two days after Barack Obama's Inauguration]:
["Sheldon Whitehouse and Marcy Wheeler Discuss al-Haramain Wiretapping Suit"; as submitted to YOU TUBE by firedoglake on 1/22/09;]
"Dan Mitchell Attacks Release of TARP Funds" as submitted to YOU TUBE by catoinstitutevideo on 1/23/09:
["Dan Mitchell Attacks Release of TARP Funds" as submitted to YOU TUBE by catoinstitutevideo on 1/23/09;]
Last year I contacted a local attorney about the possibility of filing a lawsuit [in regard to my personal health / distress --- financial pain and trauma --- associated with Bush Administration policies and related violations of the "US Constitution" and "Bill of Rights" (This suit might well have bloomed into a class action lawsuit) against Bush Jr. and some key members of his administration. That lawyer, citing the expense involved, etc. - did NOT choose to take it on.
However, it appears as if some folks "might" have been thinking along the same lines... or are NOW... and I would like to hear how other folks in the community are feeling about this?????
On a personal note, I wrote and published three books in 2007 [see sidebar] that I did not dare promote whilst Bush Jr. and company were still in office... In fact, I felt my life might be in danger due to the very fact that I had written these books and put them out in the public format...
Which leads me to another issue regarding my books (see sidebar) --- which I HAVE RECEIVED NO ROYALTY PAYMENTS FOR --- despite the fact that has (as of 1/23/09) a listing of 18 New and Used Copies of one of my books ["Ode to the Wicker Man... Book II"] available [$38.95 is the Amazon New Book List Price] --- with prices ranging from $24.68 (in the new and used category via other outlets / sellers) to $64.26 [which includes the option of a hard cover copy, which was NEVER authorized - through iUniverse [the new book list price at iUniverse, which I ask you NOT to order from (I AM NOT RECEIVING ROYLATY PAYMENTS FROM ANY OF THE OUTLETS OR INDIVIDUALS SELLING MY BOOKS!!!!!] at this point, is $38.95] or anyone else - BY ME!
Thus, if anyone wants to order any of the books I authored and published in 2007 - while suffering from dire fear (whether based in reality or no) of my life - due to the Bush Administrations "snoop" policies, violations of the Constitution... and more...
Please order these books (I will offer signed copies) direct from ME! [See Sidebar... Details will soon be added!]
And, as far as the Class Action suit goes...
I'm game! Are you?
And are there any lawyers out there locally that would like to take something of this magnitude on [free of charge] on behalf of "We the People?" [Just think of the publicity and the possible windfall that might come your way!]
Pass this on if you would - to folks in the know...
["Gov. Patterson Picks Rep. Kirsten Gillibrand for Clinton's Senate Seat"; MSNBC; You Tube (as submitted to You Tube by SwimmingPolarBear on 1/22/2009);]
Although this (video above, article note to follow...) is not yet totally "official", it should be by the end of the day...
According to an Associated Press (AP) article, U.S. Representative, Kirsten Gillibrand (Democrat) "will be named to fill the seat vacated when Hillary Rodham Clinton..."
["Aide: Successor chosen for Clinton's Senate seat"; Michael Gormley; AP; 1/23/09; Road Runner;]
Introducing (for those that aren't quite sure who she is): U.S. Representative, Kirsten Gillibrand:
["Victory Speech: Kirsten Gillibrand"; You Tube; as submitted by emilyslist on 12/5/08;
[A little girl that sang (with others) at the last Kingston Area Public Access Telethon; at a recent Pointe of Praise / Kings Kids talent show (a song she had written herself); and at the Kingston Muddy Cup Inauguration Party [a song she had written herself AND a (spoken word) poem...]; Photo (from the Muddy Cup event) by NS]
The following is an original copy [slightly edited for placement here] of a letter (to the Editor) that was sent to the "KIngston Times" (published today), the Kingston "Daily Freeman" and "Ulster County Publishing." Bob Smith (whom I know pretty well (Lol!) gave me permission to publish the letter (Important stuff, folks!) here, as well.
"Letter to the Editor" [This went out to 3 different local papers]...
"Congratulations to Channel 20, the new educational channel on Time Warner. I wish you every success!
Our long suffering Public Access Channel 23 remains a steady snowy screen into the new year, with little hope for change - barring a Federal bailout or a presidential pardon.
Figuratively, my bald head and fat neck swivel on my torso, like a special effect in a horror movie whenever I reflect on the latest state of our Kingston Area Public Access (KAPA) station. Let me state clearly that what is written here is not the opinion of the KAPA Commission, but merely the uncensored reflections of one of the Commissioners.
It is not so much a chicken and egg discussion (give us quality TV, and we'll give you funding). The dilemma appears to me to be more of a case of what I refer to as voodoo vision. It is a theory that the channel is either in a corpse or a zombie state. The Mayor and City Council seem most gleeful with the corpse when it is off the air. The regular rebels and loyal opposition, on the other hand, are elated when the zombie is up and running.
Poetic images aside, KAPA needs a minimum of $40,000 annually to function properly and serve the public interest. Unfortunately, the public interest in our community is not always what interests the public. Rosendale, the Town of Ulster and a few dedicated benefactors have kept KAPA on life support for the last few years. Thank you for that. The Commission needs to be aware of the quote, from Eric Hoffer, "It is not in our best interest to bite the hand that feeds you, nor is it wise to lick the boot that kicks you."
The City will receive, in the ten-year Time Warner contract, over $3.6 million dollars in franchise fees - paid by 7,400 subscribers. However, in that period, certain City Council members bring out their trademark objection that the City had to pay $4, 7, 10, 19,000 (depending on the source, this always seems to vary) for legal fees - and $2,644 in a misunderstood grant. So, at the maximum, for a $21,644 investment, $3.6 million in benefits accrued to the City. Would any investor turn that bonanza down? To put it in layman's terms, if someone offered you $365.00 for a $2.16 investment, would you be complaining? Yet there are about five politicians on the local power grid who are opposed to Public Access funding - denying about 40,000 local residents their Public Access station. This goes beyond being unreal to becoming anti-real.
To those few politicians and their tender egos, let me quote the famous Yogi Berra, who said, "Everybody knows that people who are popular are bound to be disliked." Along with that paradox, most fair-minded fans and reasonable people are able to appreciate the talents and skills of both teams on the field, no matter what the "uniform" - be it Democrat or Republican.
In conclusion, in late November I attended a talent show sponsored by the Pointe of Praise Church and Kings Kids that was a great community event, and would have been a tremendous show to put on Public Access --- "if" I lived in Woodstock, Saugerties, Rhinebeck, New Paltz or any of the other 11,000 communities nationwide that offer support and funding to their local Public Access station. So, to the general public, please remember - when elections take place in November - the words of that old Motown song by the Undisputed Truth called "Smiling Faces." The verse that applies is, "Don't let the handshake and the smile fool ya, take my advice, they are only trying to rule ya."
With Humor and Hope for the Future of Kingston Public Access,
I also wanted to say thank you to Time Warner Channel Six News for their wonderful coverage of the Inauguration Party (Hosted by Civic Action and a number of other groups and individuals...) at the Kingston, NY Muddy Cup! Great Job!!!!! Thank You!
["Should a "seat-warmer" be chosen to hold Hillary Clinton's soon-to-be vacated spot?"; Submitted to You Tube on 1/1/09 by cmcilwain1]
This is a pre-inauguration day video --- but I am still trying to find out WHO (Do you know?) the other possible NY State Senate Seat contenders are.....! (I do not care for the fact that "they" seem to be faceless and nameless!)]
I received notice today [Great news!] --- via an email from Debra Ness, the President of the National Partnership for Women --- that the "Senate passed the Lilly Ledbetter Fair Pay Act [Yes!] and rejected numerous amendments that would have gutted this important legislation..."
You can check out the National Partnership for Women & Families at [A link will be placed in the sidebar>>>]
Food for Thought?
The following is a quote from an article titled, "Class Action Suit against Bush Crownies:"
"An Indiana man filed a class action lawsuit against members of the former Bush administration for their misuse of TARP funds. Jerry Lukas filed the lawsuit in the Southern District court of Indiana because he was finished "getting ripped off by the Federal government..." (Tim Einenkel).
For more on this article, go to [A link will also be placed in the sidebar>>>>].
On the (in my opinion) UP Side!
You can read more on, "Obama institutes ethics rules, freezes salaries..." [Road Runner;] [A link will be made available in the sidebar>>>]
On the (in my opinion) UP Side!
You can read more on, "Breaking forcefully with Bush anti-terror policies, President Barack Obama ordered major changes Thursday that he said would halt the torture of suspects, close down the Guantanamo detention center, ban secret CIA prisons overseas and fight terrorism "in a manner that is consistent with our values and our ideals" [See: "Obama breaks from Bush and orders Gitmo to close", by Tom Raum and Philip Elliot (Associated Press); 1/22/09] at:
You can actually access the White House Briefing Room Blog @ [A link will also be placed in the sidebar / blog list!>>>]
[; "Hon. Carolyn Maloney 11-11-08 Air date"; as submitted to You Tube by haroldchanner on 11/7/08]
Rep. Carolyn Maloney is apparently one of the other contenders for H. Clinton's vacated Senate seat. Does anyone know the names (other than Kennedy and Cuomo; help me out here folks...) of the others?
["Gov. Patterson On Senate Seat"; CBSNewsOnline; as submitted to You Tube on 1/20/09]
I am not yet clear on whether Caroline Kennedy is out of the running for the NY State Senate seat - at this point (a lot of conflicting reports are online) - or not. But I would like to learn more about other contenders - and I do wonder why they have not (other than Gov. Cuomo) gotten much (to my knowledge) publicity (?????)
Inaugural Poem (Obama 2009) [Rough draft; new poem]
My New Year's oath To you and me Was to become All I can be To live my muse Pursue my dreams With every drop Of energy... And courage Drawn up from My toes
The fear I've known... The fear I've known...
Handcuffed and chained To walls of pain This year, I say, "No more."
And, as I stand Before you now A poet, dreamer, Silly clown... To celebrate Obamas day
I have to say... I have to say...
Though I am white My oath is true My commitment firm I've much to do
For I am, indeed, A lot like you...
My freedom card Long overdue...
And, although each day Can be tough to face It is worth the price Because all our fates
Depend on you... Depend on me...
On everyone struggling To be free...
From the pain That holds us back (So much locked up Inside...)
Speaking its truth... Speaking its truth...
Through all the tears We've cried...
I really tried to hide... I really tried to hide...
But, this is the year... This Is the year... That I've been Waiting for...
This IS the year... This IS the year...
I finally say, "No more."
And join the chorus Of voices That say,
"We can!"
NS [MoveOn Civic Action Member / Inaugural Party (Obama 2009) Host]
[Photo of a Painting Done by My Father; Photo by NS]
America IS Beautiful!
Today IS the day!
[Muddy Cup Inauguration Party Photo by BS]
A Few Quotes:
1. "A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step" (Chinese Proverb).
2. Brotherhood is the very price and condition of man's survival" (Carlos P. Romulo).
3. "... When we women offer our experience as truth, as human truth, all the maps change. There are new mountains" (Ursula K. LeGuin).
4. "Noble souls, through dust and heat, rise from disaster and defeat the stronger" (Henry Wadsworth Longfellow).
5. "The fact that we are human beings is infinitely more important than all the peculiarities that distinguish human beings from one another" (Simone de Beauvoir).
["Obama Swears..."; as submitted to You Tube by DorisSjogrenRowe on 1/17/09]
["Grassroots Obama Inauguration Party Poster"; Poster by NS]
I haven't had time to personally contact everyone I would have liked to about this party, so I hope folks have seen the advertisements in the local papers and/or around town!
I have never done anything of this magnitude before, so please bear with me...
I am having (in between gulps) a wonderful (in many ways) time!
I received some emails and phone calls asking about whether folks could bring their instruments to the open mike; and unfortunately I have to discourage this, because (1) this is a combination of special-event music, speakers, open mike poetry and karaoke, and there simply isn't enough time to add open mike musicians to the mix; and (2) I am not prepared, and do not believe that I have the type of equipment, to handle musician transitions (sorry folks) smoothly.
I also received emails and phone calls about whether there would be on-site television coverage of the event, to which I must answer ('tis a different type of event than a lot of other folks are hosting) "sorry, no."
I will bring my laptop, and hopefully some other folks will have laptops, as well; so that those who want to tune into some of the evening events will be able to do so. However, it is going to be - at least some of the time - a little loud and silly and happy... so you might want to record the evening's events at home...
All of that said, thank you to the Kingston Muddy Cup for serving as a venue for the party; thank you to all of those that have signed up (either via Civic Action, or via personal contact) for the party; thank you, again, to the community activists (official and unofficial) that have agreed to say a few words at the party; and thank you to Civic Action and all of the other groups and individuals that have worked to make this day - and this party - [there are parties all across the city, county, state and country] - possible!
["Party Like It's Barack Obama's Inauguration"; Photo by NS]
Today is Martin Luther King Day, so I searched for a video (see below) on the topic that touched my heart, and I hope might touch yours...
Plus, I wanted to put out my own note on ways to do service that don't appear to be covered much elsewhere...
1. Get involved in local politics; attend open meetings; listen, learn and voice your views... YOU matter!
2. Try out blogging... It is fun. You learn a great deal. And it inspires one to keep up on both local news and national events.
3. Lend a hand at the Inaugural parties that are happening tomorrow! A LOT has gone into the planning of these events, whether they are relatively small - or being held in bigger, more formal facilities...
4. Learn what your local human service organizations are, so that you are able to point folks in need (there are many) in appropriate directions.
5. Remember to take care of YOU and prioritize... for amongst all of this... one must always try to keep one's own house in order!
In closing, please remember the Inaugural Party at the Kingston Muddy Cup tomorrow night - and that families (including children) are welcome to attend AND participate in the festivities!
A Few Notes Regarding Tues. Night's Inaugural Bash at the Kingston Muddy Cup...
The list of committed inaugural party attendees has been growing, and includes some folks that I know and respect a great deal, as well as folks I'm looking forward to meeting!
At least two K.C. Aldermen (actually women) have agreed to come and say a few words, along with a number of other community activists...
I've learned how to "burn" a disk, and have a copy of the music mix that is being promoted for the event (nifty!) ready to go...
And I've prepared a Karaoke song-choice listing (customized for this event) that should be (if we have some courageous singing souls out there!) fun, fun, fun!
Some poets have been invited.
Others are welcome!
And my Karaoke and open mike equipment is more than sufficient for this type of party (the music won't be "too" loud...)!
This is (for me) still grassroots (growing as I go...) "stuff" - so go easy on me (lol!)...
Because I might even have a few (let's celebrate!) surprises (nothing to worry about...) in store!
There is still time to sign up (if you can)...
Show up (if you want to)...
And join the party!
[BTW... (no pressure intended!) --- if you are computer savvy, with laptop in tow, you could help out by showing other folks the multitude of happenings / videos / music mixes / etc. (re the Inauguration) that are available (folks could also access a lot of these at local libraries) online!
I wanted to let folks know that I am in the process of developing a MySpace site, and that I might have accidentally mailed (lol) a MySpace invite to everyone on my mailing list [both personal and official; still under development...] - which "might" look pretty strange (lol) to some folks and/or (in particular) organizations.
Thus, if you got a personal invite to my MySpace (also still under development...) - and "want" to check it out, please do...
But, if you got an invite and thought to yourself, "this woman is crazy!" [a word I prefer is "eccentric" (lol)] - please know that I was working on this very late at night - that I'm on a rapid technological learning curve - and that I extend my sincere apologies!
That said...
This is a countdown (Day 2) staged backwards...
["Z-TRIP - Obama Mix (part 4 of 6)"; Posted on You Tube on 10/08/09 by intrepidexplorer2008]
Awesome, isn't it?
And this is a sweet silly image to greet a new (hopefully good!) day...
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our mailing list. This site is outdated and currently under redevelopment.
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