Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Photos from the Uptown KURA "Meet the Candidates" Forum... More Info Pending

Some photos [Some include candidates for Alderman - Wards 1-5 - some do not...] I took at the Kingston Uptown Residents Alliance (KURA) "Meet the Candidates" (Wards 1-5 Only) Forum:

[Chart #1 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "Expenses are increasing more rapidly than revenues while population declines"]

[Chart #2 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "Kingston has the highest per capital taxes (except for White Plains & Rye)"]

[Chart #3 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "The Key Element of Expenses is Personnel Services Including Benefits"]

[Jen Fuentes, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 5]

[Center of Photo: Rich Cahill Sr., Candidate for Alderman, Ward 5]

[Tom Hoffay, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2 (Mr. Hoffay is the current Alderman in Ward 2)]

[On Left: Andi Turco-Levin, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 1; On Right: Jon Hoyt, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2]

[Matthew Ryan, Former Ward 4 Candidate for Alderman --- and a commendable community activist].

Thank You KURA!

Thank You to the Candidates that attended!

Thank You to the Hosts and the Participants!


A Photo of Shirley Whitlock, the current Alderwoman in Ward 4 - and a Ward 4 Alderman Candidate (This photo is from a previous event):

[Shirley Whitlock, Alderman Candidate, Ward 4]

My apologies to the candidates [Katie Scott-Childress, Alderman Candidate, Ward 1 and Jeanne Edwards, Alderman Candidate, Ward 4 whom I didn't get to photograph [I ran out of film...] and don't have a photograph (on hand) of.

I will be attempting to amend this [ If you read this, and are so inclined, please feel free to email me a photo @ ] in the near future.

If any errors are noted please let me know and corrections will be made. Please feel free (appropriately) to comment!

Thank You,


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thank You to KURA, the Citizens and the Candidates at Last Nights Meeting... Photos Pending... Optional Links...

[Photo by BF; Utilized with Permission]

Last nights KURA meeting, at Backstreet Studio Productions, was a well-organized and impressive event. More information on "same" is pending - along with some photo coverage.

For now, however, I would like to provide [Copy and Paste in Address Bar] those that are interested with the following link:

"League of Women Voters of the United States Health Care Reform No Time for Lies"; Video and Links;

Peace, Love, Hope, Equality and Humane Justice,


Monday, October 19, 2009

Too Tired to Blog...

Environmental Protection Agency Update... NPR

National Public Radio (NPR) Broadcast / Environmental Protection Agency Update:

["Top Official: 'The EPA Is Back On The Job'"; National Public Radio (NPR); October 18, 2009;]

Click on post title to link directly to the NPR transcript / written version...

Respectfully passed on by,