Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Popeye - I Yam What I Yam - Robin Williams Shelley Duvall... Free Write... Bob Marley - Redemption Song

["Popeye - I Yam What I Yam - Robin Williams Shelley Duvall"; as submitted to You Tube by essexboi1993
on June 30, 2007;]

Every nobody is somebody. Every word spoken leaves many words unsaid. Every life that turns bitter is a pill all will have to swallow. Every lie told is a facet of
shame that burdens all - not just the carrier - of mankind.

I am nobody, but somebody. "I am... what I am" - with a right to be, think, feel and form opinions - and to speak and write about the truth as I see it...

Like "Popeye" in a bar (minus spinach) - this blog (and my others) is where I "pull my punches" - "take my stand" - "am what I am."

'Tis a sad world that we live in today.

Full of conflicting messages...

Full of people attempting (in a variety of ways) to "sell" their fix or tricks...

Traumatic events occurring by the bucket load...

The less fortunate among us trying to "make it" - far too often - in any way they can...

The more fortunate among us trying - far too often - to make a profit off the exploitation (ignoring or pretending not to see the heartache and anguish that this creates) of others...

Every "system" (from the family to the government) - as Bob Dylan put it - "broken."

One must wonder; even the most hopeful among us, I would think...

What will the outcome of this ongoing "mess" be?

Will the collective consciousness of activism, recently inspired in some, be enough to pull us through?

Or is it really all about, as the saying goes, "the 'hokey pokey'"?

Are even the "players" being "played?"

Who is one to trust?

Is a crowd in a bar, loud and obnoxious at times... somehow more integral than a crowd in a boardroom?

"I am what I am."

Imperfect yet perfectionistic. Self-deprecating yet full of pride. Intelligent but impotent. One tiny bird in a mighty big sky...

You might like what I write and present here. You might not.

You might like what I have been able to accomplish in this lifetime. You might not.

But when you look in the mirror, please gaze at your own reflection...

Because when it comes to honesty, I'm pretty high up on the list - which is probably at least part of "why" I don't climb any ladders of influence or prosperity in this (the only one I'm familiar with) society...

Which is a "pretty sad statement...

Don't ya' think?

["Bob Marley - Redemption Song"; as submitted to You Tube by QueenRocker89 on August 24, 2007;]

1 comment:

little sparrow said...

Reggae was all I ever mostly listened to for years and I had the opportunity to see the Wailers play live in wdstk where the dance floor was one step down from the stage and it was the most incredible feeling to dance to them playing a step away--what a night!! Marley's children especially, Ziggy, and the Melody Makers are spitting images of him or maybe spliffing images are more correct. ls