Thursday, October 22, 2009

Some Photos from the Uptown KURA "Meet the Candidates" Forum... More Info Pending

Some photos [Some include candidates for Alderman - Wards 1-5 - some do not...] I took at the Kingston Uptown Residents Alliance (KURA) "Meet the Candidates" (Wards 1-5 Only) Forum:

[Chart #1 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "Expenses are increasing more rapidly than revenues while population declines"]

[Chart #2 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "Kingston has the highest per capital taxes (except for White Plains & Rye)"]

[Chart #3 as Presented by a KURA Representative and/or Associate: "The Key Element of Expenses is Personnel Services Including Benefits"]

[Jen Fuentes, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 5]

[Center of Photo: Rich Cahill Sr., Candidate for Alderman, Ward 5]

[Tom Hoffay, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2 (Mr. Hoffay is the current Alderman in Ward 2)]

[On Left: Andi Turco-Levin, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 1; On Right: Jon Hoyt, Candidate for Alderman, Ward 2]

[Matthew Ryan, Former Ward 4 Candidate for Alderman --- and a commendable community activist].

Thank You KURA!

Thank You to the Candidates that attended!

Thank You to the Hosts and the Participants!


A Photo of Shirley Whitlock, the current Alderwoman in Ward 4 - and a Ward 4 Alderman Candidate (This photo is from a previous event):

[Shirley Whitlock, Alderman Candidate, Ward 4]

My apologies to the candidates [Katie Scott-Childress, Alderman Candidate, Ward 1 and Jeanne Edwards, Alderman Candidate, Ward 4 whom I didn't get to photograph [I ran out of film...] and don't have a photograph (on hand) of.

I will be attempting to amend this [ If you read this, and are so inclined, please feel free to email me a photo @ ] in the near future.

If any errors are noted please let me know and corrections will be made. Please feel free (appropriately) to comment!

Thank You,


1 comment:

NS said...

It is interesting to note that in Chart #2 Kingston's "per capital income" is listed as "18,662" --- which is (if I understand this right) between 150 and 175% of the "2009 Pverty Guidelines" --- according to CSO/DEHPG/DEEO ["Derived from poverty guidelines as published in the Federal Register on January 23, 2009"]............

Which would seem to mean that not only are Kingston residents overtaxed --- but they are in deep trouble even before "that" [the high taxation] is taken into consideration...