[NPR Politics (newsletters@n.npr.org); 12/18/09; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121605525]
"Proposed Uganda Law: If You See a Homosexual..."; NPR; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121605525 ]
[NPR Politics (newsletters@n.npr.org); 12/18/09; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121605529]
"U.S. Evangelical Leaders Blamed For Uganda Anti-Gay Sentiment"; NPR; http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=121605529&sc=nl&cc=ph-20091218
I posted the above rather quickly - without comment. Now I will take the time to state that this exemplifies why I am as opposed to sending "missionaries" (including ministers, priests, reverends - or anyone with a biased religious or spiritual agenda...) to other countries (and the White House) - as I am to sending weapons.
After all, words have given birth to weapons many a time - and although I don't know how all of these [not-for-profit?] missionaries are managing to fly around the world... [doesn't that cost a lot of money?????] --- offtimes (it would appear) insulting [and/or in this case potentially inciting to violence...] the very people that missionaries and such claim to want to help --- I DO think that all those plane tickets and missionary spending accounts [if we "really" want to help...] would be better turned into [no, not gold...] packages of healthy food, clean water and medical supplies - which could also be put to use [very timely, in fact] in the United States of America...
In fact, in all of my adult years (piling up...) I have never (until yesterday) seen a child circle food --- out of a grocery store flyer --- when asked to mark down (out of a bunch of flyers including lots of toys, etc) --- what she would like for Christmas.
Healthy Food... [How much do all those plane tickets cost?]
Clean Water... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on motels, hotels and lodging in foreign countries?]
Medical Supplies.... [How much is spent by all of these missionaries on their own food?]
We have plenty of bigotry and hate already...
Do we really need to spread it around?????
Or pay other people (one way or another...) to do so?
Postscript to the above (In reference to something that was said in the videos...):
Statistically, from everything I've researched / read on this topic [a considerable amount....] - in cases where males sexually abuse male youth (or, for that matter, female youth) - the perpetrators are generally heterosexuals and/or hiding behind heterosexual [or asexual, as with the high incidence of sexual abuse (relatively speaking) that appears to occurr withing certain religious orders...) covers.
New topic [Links also available in the sidebar >>>]:
"Stop a bad bill...
The latest Senate health care bill has no public option. No expansion of Medicare. And it does too little to guarantee that uninsured Americans will actually be able afford the coverage they'll be required to purchase.
But it's not too late to fix the bill. And as Joe Lieberman has shown, just one senator willing to stand in the way can force legislation to be changed dramatically.
Senator Bernie Sanders has already made clear that he's opposed to the legislation in its current form. I just signed a petition urging him and other progressives to block it until it's fixed. Will you join me?"
Source: "MoveOn.org Political Action"
To read and sign a similar petition go to:
"Sen. Bernie Sanders can save health care from Joe Lieberman"; CredoAction.com
Truth, Love, Hope, Peace, Equality and Humane Justice,
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