Sunday, December 6, 2009

Prison Early Release Issue... You Tube Videos... Local Violence Prevention Efforts... Save US Now...

Something to Think About...

["Prison early release programs are back"; as submitted to You Tube by WTNH on December 04, 2009;]

["Judge Rules That Early Release Prison Program Is Illegal"; as submitted to You Tube by 27newsfirst on May 01, 2009;]


On the Local Front:

Having talked with a couple of the people, from different generations - who appear to be "in the know" - the word is that the "Black" (Please give me the word of your choice...) community, for the most part, does not appreciate being referred to as "colored"; and thus, some of them have an inherent issue (from the get-go) with the "National Alliance for the Advancement of 'Colored' People" (NAACP) - one of the organizations (I don't know if there are any other organizations with their name in the hat, as of yet...) that is apparently going to add their input to the "Stop the Violence" (midtown)  organizational meeting.

This leads me to believe that the people in the target community should be asked if there is an empowerment term (for those in this community that feel disempowered and threatened by the violence in their community (whether they be black, white, Hispanic or other) that might work [I have thought of WTWM (Corrected / Duh...  I screwed up my own acronym!)  and/or  "Walk Tall Without Malice" (I consider this a copyright notice.)] for them?

Other thoughts that occur, regarding this upcoming organizational meeting - include the following proposed priorities:

1.  How do we best protect and positively engage the children in the community?
2.  How do we identify the strengths in the community and capitalize on these?
3.  How do we identify the problem areas and a solution to the gang (Is PTSD an issue?) situation?
4.  How do we get the individuals that are interested and willing (Perhaps this should be the first priority?) involved in (via Community Groups, attending City meetings, etc.) the political process?

I've been told that the Church is very influential in the mid-City, and that is (in my opinion) a positive thing - as long as a non-violent empowerment theme is associated - and the necessary (in my opinion) separation of church and state factors are in place.

I do not know where any of this stands.  It is another question, perhaps, to address to the population itself.

Some KPD officers are (as I understand it) remaining at the High School under the 2010 Budget - and I consider this (along with the videocameras) a positive.

However, it would seem to me that these KPD (another correction; I guess you can tell the stress is getting to me as well...) officers could use a little help in regard to touching on the issues that are periodically (at least) wreaking havoc in Mid-Town - and that it might bode the school (and the students well) to let organizations --- such as the U.C. Crime Victims Assistance Program, those that employ certified Domestic Violence Education and Awareness Educators, those that employ Certified Drug and Alcohol Counselors and those that employ qualified Gang Awareness Educators (etc.) --- come in.

This used to be one facet of the Youth Empowerment Series (YES) Program that I was associated with when I worked for the YWCA --- and it was incredibly difficult, at times, to get permission (these services were free of charge to the schools...) to go into the schools - so I hope a new push could be implemented in that (YES!) direction...


Save US Now!

Other than that, the fact that the "Save Them Now" program is once again trying to set up an expanded [they already have some sort of facility uptown...] temporary housing facility / job training facility for former jail inmates and/or prison inmates (?) - in the City of Kingston [the last attempt was in a residential area; this attempt involves a building in a commercial area just off Broadway] - has me a little "bugged out."

And I wonder how many citizens, in the City of Kingston, would be into forming a group called "Save US Now! (SUSN) - another term I'll claim the copyright to! 

And I AM serious!

There is some sort of facility uptown already...
Broadway does not need anymore "potential" problems than it already has...
The area might be commercial, but it is the main drag in the City of Kingston with lots of walkers, including school children...

It is my opinion that these types of programs should go INTO the jails and prisons - if they aren't (and I believe they are...) already there!  [Don't we hear (I know I have) about folks in jail and/or prison having support-group meetings (AA/NA/Other) in-house?  Getting their GED whilst there?  Receiving vocational training?  Etc?????]  Why do they need additional services [This whole society is "transitioning" folks!] when they get out?

See, a lot of US folks out here - that haven't ever found ourselves [We are probably doing something right...  Right?]  sitting in a jail or prison cell - are getting a "little" upset with the number of sex offenders, rapists, etc that are already situated all over our city - putting children and women (in particular) at heightened risk - most of whom (yes, I know, all ex-cons are not offenders of this sort...) are living on our tax dollars AND receiving better medical benefits [via Medicaid and/or associated programs] than we are!

Save US Now!

Save US Now! --- From this constant drain on the system --- this constant strain of being surrounded by potential preditors --- this constant onslaught of (excuse me, sorry...) Bullsh*%!

A much better use for a building in Kingston's COMMERCIAL district?


How about a Business?????

How about a Factory?????

How about SAFE and AFFORDABLE Child Care Facility (fingerprinting and record check for employees required...) that would enable some of the folks in Mid-Town (and other areas of the city) to get and maintain a job?

How about a facility [Anyone want to chip in funds - on the books - for such a project?] for Save US Now [SUSN]?

Sure, some of this is "tongue in cheek"...

I'm human.  I'm not perfect.  I'm limited in what I can personally do...

But my ideas are worth something - as are everyone elses - and as the old Helen Reddy song said (so very well...) - mine is "wisdom born of pain", and I'll "roar" (or at least post my ideas) - if and when I can - when such appears (to me) to be called for!

[According to the article in today's Sunday Freeman there will be Public Hearing on the Save Them Now proposal on 12/14/09 - at City Hall - at 6PM; which will be followed up by a meeting (regarding this issue) of the Planning Board.]

Peace, Love, Truth, Equality and Humane Justice,



"Post-prison Program sets sight on Mid-town Kingston building..." - "The Daily Freeman News Serving the Hudson Valley since 1871(":

"Kingston police officers will stay in schools" - "The Daily Freeman News Serving the Hudson Valley since 1871(":

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