Thursday, February 24, 2011

Feeling Like "PopEye..." and Not Feeling Too Good... Photos From Today's Rally In Post Below

This is an older video; but it contains some important information about War, PTSD and Families...

["U.S. War Veterans and PTSD Awareness"' as submitted to You Tube by aschultzy;]

A very important video from 2009:

["Female Veterans Suffering From PTSD Not Getting Needed Care"; as submitted to You Tube by MoxNewsDotCom;]

This is also an old video; but since I learned - today (and since verified) - that over 50% of our Federal budget goes towards military spending - I think (I am a pacifist to begin with) this video could use a little re-viewing. I support our troops. I support our Veterans. However, to what degree does our country - or any country - truly respect [check out the stats on the Vets that do (meaning those that don't die)] return.

Watch RISE UP PEOPLE! SUPPORT WAR RESISTERS! in Educational   [ "Rise Up People!  Support War Resisters"; by David Freyer; Produced by Kellie La; ]

  View More Free Videos Online at
PTSD is also caused by situations other than Military service; a fact that I am all too painfully aware of.  I like this videos approach; although I do not know if the email address is still valid - or if it should be (?)
["Post Traumatic Stress Disorder; as submitted to You Tube by 1stepcloser2you;]
A rough day for this "survivor" - and I may choose to rearrange and/or edit this blog in the am.
"Take what you like and leave the rest" [recovery group parlance]

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