Monday, April 19, 2010

Child Abuse Awareness Month... KAPA... More... Congressman Hinchey / "We the People..." at SUNY in Post Below... You Tube Videos

This is not only sexual assault awareness month, as noted in a video ("Take Back the Night") posted below --- it is also Child Abuse Prevention Month.

Thus, I wanted to post the following video:

["YouTube - Preventing Child Abuse and Neglect";]

Other than that, I wanted to state that the shows I saw tonight (only a few) on Kingston Area Public Access (KAPA) were impressive.  Discussions around the Safety Net issue (which is finally being investigated...); the proliferation of Not-For-Profits in the City of Kingston [over 40% of properties are reputedly (I've personally checked into this) off the tax rolls; and the proliferation of sex offenders in the City of Kingston [some in residence, as noted on the map accessible on the web ( put a check in the sex offender box at,NY ); some reputedly in the UC Jail and/or the old Community Corrections Program facility) were particularly interesting.

These are issues that have been brought up time and time again - sometimes by one or two people [generally by MaryAnne Parker (Safety Net Issue / Child Safety Issue / other pertinent issues...) and myself (Not for Profit Issue / Child Safety / Safety Net Issue / "Culture of Poverty" (Oscar Lewis; 1966) Issue --- and sometimes (when the "dirt" hits the fan...) in larger bodies of protest --- and it is great to see these issues being taken more seriously by the "powers that be" / KAPA show producers / callers / and various [a more collective voice on all of this would be good....] City of Kingston citizens.

I also came across a video at (You Tube / not able to be embedded here) --- which I found (in regard to Child Abuse Awareness Month) impressive:

I have to state (These are opinions, folks!) again [This has been stated, recently to my Alderman; and previously, in full or in part, at City Council meetings...] --- that I think the City of Kingston [in association with agencies such as the YWCA and the UC Crime Victims Assistance Program (excellent programs that should cover a wider spectrum...) should be more active in the prevention / awareness / treatment resource realm --- in regard to child abuse; sexual assault; domestic violence; gang activity; and (these amongst other things) Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.

Those little wind catchers [check out the video / ignore the pop ups...] say a lot!

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