Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Amy Klobuchar discusses Al Franken... with Maddow Al Franken Interviewed... AirAmerica You Tube

What's Happening in Minnesota [Some impressive women appear to be "on board" there!]

["Amy Klobuchar discusses Al Franken election with Maddow"; as submitted to You Tube by cheneywatch on 2/17/09; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vGRBjuWad8k]

Who does Al Franken think might be the next person to move from Air America to a Senate seat?

["Al Franken Interviewed By Mark Green of Air America Pt1 of 2"; as submitted to You Tube by ObamaTheBlackJFK on 2/23/09; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VJlZhGq5Il0]



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