Monday, November 30, 2009

Zip Ih Dee Do Dah... Oh My... Tonights Budget Meeting and Caucus... Tomorrow Nights Common Council Meeting

["Hoarding Nuts" (Photo by NS); Just for Laughs...]

I am admittedly "all over the place" right now, but I should be back on track (or tracks lol) after the Holiday Season and the Budget (whatever the outcome) is passed...

As is, I do have some sales promo stuff up on site right now [below and sidebar] to scrape together Christmas funds...

And yet, I've gotten so involved in the local political scene that it would be pretty difficult to drop the ball (so to speak) now.

That said, please note that according to todays "Daily Freeman" there is a "Budget Review" meeting at City Hall tonight [11/30/09; Conference Rm. 1 / 5:30PM] --- which will be followed up by a Common Council Caucus at 7PM.

And tomorrow night is the Common Council Meeting [City Hall; Council Chambers; 7PM] --- at which, if I understand it right --- the Common Council will be voting on the Mayor's proposed 2010 Budget [Please see the Kingston Progressive blog site (link in sidebar) for more specific information about this.]

Other than that, please bear with me as I "morph" [Silly word, isn't it?] --- in whatever direction I need to - in order to meet [I'm not doing real good at this...] my own [some of these are intricately entwined with my sense of social conscience...] and my family's [as best I can...] needs.


Some links [totally off topic...] to [if you so choose] copy, paste, click and think about:

"Almost no vacancy" - "The Daily Freeman News Serving the Hudson Valley since 1871" ; :

"Welcome to":

"Mike & Friends Blog";;


How do you feel about President Barack Obama (a Michael Moore topic at the links above...] sending additional American troops into Afghanistan?


Truth, Love, Peace, Equality, Humane Justice and (lol / squeak... / iyiyi!) the Holidays...


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